The sad reality

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Izuku's POV unless said otherwise.

Inko: IZUKU!

I could hear the door ratteling but it was no use. I locked it shut while I was laying in my bed completly covered under my blanket. This was not something unusual, still I hated these moments more than anything else.


The ratteling started to get worse and worse while I tried my best to not hear it. The sound of the door, the hanlde and the lock clacking around while someone was banging and trying to get in with brute force was something I was all to used.


While I was hiding, I was curling myself under the blanket and started to bite my finger nails. The rattling sound made me only more nerves then I already was. Still it didn't stop no matter what and the banging started to get louder and louder.

Inko: You're a fucking disgrace of a son!

Me: ...

It's been a year now that I haven't gone outside of my room. This was also the reason my whole room was covered with instant noodle cups and other stuff. I hate the outside world soo much. It was just cruel towards people like me. 

Where did it all begin?








Flashblack brought to you by a hiding bunny

I was thrown against the trashbags behind the school as I would every now and then. This was still better than getting beaten up to a pulp but it was not the best thing as well. Every day I would go through hell. This was just one way of hell.

Me: haaa.... haaa....

After trying to fight back which was a stupid idea as well, I was just met with more kicks, more punches and more quirks used on me. The one guy who is quirkless and needed protection and not a beating but no one was understanding that.

While I was quite out of breath and my mind being blank from all the beating, I was soo gracefully met with a shoe in my face.

Me: AGH!!!!

Kacchan: What are you staring at, you son of a bitch?

Me: Ugh....

Did he really expect me to answere him when my face was swollen up and I could not only taste but also see the blood on my whole boody. This was the usual. This was normal or so they say.



To be honest, my school life was no different from her. Things got soo bad that each day was becoming more and more painful. There was a point I wished to be dead, I loathed the people who hurt me and came at me. 


While I was still quite out of it, Kacchan grabbed my hear and pulled me up so I was looking at him. I regretted being in the same school and I regretted being born but it was never really my choice to begin with. Did I choice this way because I liked it? No. Who would love this hell? No one in their right mind would and so I was one too who despised it.

Kacchan: Hey Deku!

It was at that moment that I looked up at Kacchan just to see his shit eating grin. He was the one enjoying this all. If anyone he was a true villain but for others he was the hero who the society needed.

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