My place to stay...

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Shoto: You're getting into this. Look at the way your pelvis is trhusting back and forth...

I didn't care about this. At this moment my mind was blank and I felt it. I felt the urge to get something more. I want the sweet releave of pleasure and I wanted it soo badly. The past couple of days Shoto did his troll on me and he made me addictive that I couldn't stand it not to feel it anymore at all.

Shoto: Why don't the two of us have some fun?

After reasing me for a bit, he pushed a finger inside me and started moving to get me reeled up but that was honestly not necessary anymore. I was more than high and I needed it. There was no need to say I wanted it as well. This was my only chance to survive. Maybe if he got tired of this he would throw me away.... then what? What would a useless mutt like me do?

Another finger joined inside of me as he continued to loosen me up and get me ready to take him in. It was necessary if I didn't wanted to feel any pain and I knew this because he didn't used to do it always especially the first time he used pens to show it inside me as a punishment.

He continued to move them until he thought it was enough but when he pulled them out, I was just left to want more. It felt soo good and he was a lot more gentle then usual as well. No, come to think of it, besides that punishment he never was brutal at all. He always made sure my body would enjoy it.

Me: Please~

Shoto: Alright.

Finally after hearing me ask for it, he stripped as well and then slowly nuddged at my opening beore teasing it once again and then pushing it in. It went all the way in and just by that it sent shivers down my spine. It was big, it was huge and it was long yet it felt soo good when he woulkd thrust it inside me.

While my mind was soo focused on that, he started kissing me but I was too focused on the feeling of pleasure. Call me a hoe, or a sex slave but it felt good and if that meant to be my only way of surviving then so be it. However if it was that then why not actually enjoy it as well?

Shoto: Izuku~

Me: Ah~

Shoto: I love you.

It was just a short while until he came inside me and left me on the table again but I wanted more. I may be out of breath and Shoto was a bit as well but I needed more. 

Me: Sho-chan~

Shoto: Yes?

Me: Do you wanna go again?

Shoto: Huh?

Me:But I wanna be on top this time... can you untie my hands?

Shoto: Your hands? I am not sure about that?

Me: Don't you wanna try out different positions?

Shoto: Izu~ You are thinking of killing me through sex, aren't you?

Me: Of course not... I just need more....

Just a moment after that, he did untie me and let me get off the table. He himselff laid down on the ground and while I was still trembeling from the pleasure, I slowly made it on top of him. My ass was still filled with his cum but I wanted more of him. My body asked for it and my mind told me this was my answer for surviving.

Slowly but surely I directed his dick to my ass hole and when I felt it slowly getting pushed inside, I sat down on it so it could go all the way in like never before.

Me: UGH~

Soon after that I started moving my hips up and down but apparently that was not enough since Shoto started helping always moving his own hips up and down. If I knew he would get his hand on my dick while I was doing this then I wouldn't have suggested this position. He literally droe me crazy with pleasure when he started to grab my dick and the do his job. His hands felt like magic to me. Whenever he touches my dick, he made sure to pay enough force as well as attention to the sensitive parts that I couldn't help it and feel more turned on.


It was a bit slower than what he would do normally but it felt soo much better or so I thought until he sat up, grabbed me and stood up with me to move me up and down while getting inside and out of me. It felt a lot more deeper and it was a hard deep thrust that he did.

Me: Shoto~

I couldn't hold it for long that was for sure.

Shoto: Not yet. You are not allowed to come yet.

How was I about to hold it in if he was doing it this roughly and this deep? 

Thankfully I didn't had to try it since Shoto came in me a bit after I came all over him hugging him tightly. It was only then that he pulled out and put me on the table. I refused to let him go but I had to in the end.

Shoto: Let's clean you up... This is enough for you.

Me: I-I can do it alone.

Shoto: I know but this is easier.

And just like that he insisted to scrap out all his come from my ass hole while I still felt the pleasure of his hands inside me. This damn aphrodisiac was still kicking in hard and I felt getting hard just by him removing his cum from inside me. Of course he didn't miss that fact and made me cum just by giving me another blow job while also stimulating my ass hole with his hands.

Never did I thought I would end up like this but ever after that day I gave in, I was actually moved to an appartment instead of this cell block. I wasn't cuffed anymore but had a chocker without a leash. We both knew that I already surrendered my body to him and that I couldn't live alone anymore. He was like a drug to me anyways. 

Shoto started to take more care of me and while I was his sex toy and filthy dog, I never missed to actually listen to his command and get him high and cum in me soo many times. 

I came to a conclusion and I accepted my life like this. It made it a lot easier since it did felt good as well and he was getting me everything I needed as a reward as well. Who knew that a useless mutt like me still had a use...

Oh well not as if I had a choice to begin with. Still If I couldn't change it then why not enjoy it?


A/N: Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it... even tho it is kinda messed up.... also my dear friend you still owe me another cake! Make it apple pie and thanks for the one the other day....still can't believe you got me to write something like this...

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