The kidnapper...

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When I woke up again, I didn't feel so good. 

Me: U-UGH...

My head...

Where am I?

Just opening my eyes and I could see a dark room. It was a really dark room and the door had bars on them. It reminded me of a prison cell from just looking at it but this room was actually quite spacious so it couldn't be one.

I don't feel so good...

Did I also just get kidnapped?

Or am i being trafficked?

Why am I even thinking that?

No one would take something useless like but people have weird tastes so maybe...


More importanly I am being tied down...

Well joke's on them... no one gonna safe me if this is kidnapping.

My mother would never pay a penny for me.

???: Are you alright?

This voice took me so aback that I couldn't help it but pick up from my dizzy state. 

???: I thought you might be hurngy, so I brought you some food.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing right in front of me. There was this one person I would never forget at all.

Todoroki: I don't know if you'll like it but you should try to eat anyways.

Is he the one that kidnapped me?!

Not only was I seeing the Shoto Todoroki, Endeavors child in front of me but he also had some pourage on a table and put it right in front of me. It surprised me soo much that it leaft me more than speechless.

Todoroki: Eat up.

Me: How?

A stupid question but I was tied down and I really hoped that he would let me go. However instead of that my head was simply slammed into the bowl right in front of my face. I was still laying on the ground so it wasn't that hard but it surprised me soo much. I wasn't able to eat this way of course and all that happened was me breathing in some of it and chocking as well from the sudden rush into the bowl.

Me: URGH!!! 

Still no matter how much I struggeled I felt his grip and how he was forcing me to eat out of it like a damn dog eating things of the ground.


Finally after what felt for me like hours, he ilfted my head and I only managed to gasp for the air which was now fealing soo refreshing. Of course I immediately started coughing and huffing as well as puking the thing out that I just ate because of how bad I felt. However all that I got was a head pet from this psychopath.

Todoroki: What a good boy.

Me: Cough! cougj! cough! What do you think you're!

As a respond he threw me to the side and let me get a better look at him.

Me: Explain yourself Shoto!

Shoto: You still remember me, how exciting!

Shoto Todoroki... was he always this crazy?

I knew he had a screw lose thanks to his father but this....

This seems a bit extreme even for him.

Me: Where you the one that kidnapped me?!

Shoto: Huh?! Kidnapp?! That's ridiculoius! All I did was bring you here and lock you up after that.


Oh yeah, I rarely every curse but when I do I don't hold back and I was more than angry by now. How was I not supposed to actually curse in this kind of situation?


Shoto: I can't... if I untie you, you'll leave. Anyways we'll talk later after you finish your food.


Does he really think, I will eat that food on the ground?

No way will I do this!

Fuck this shit!

I am not that desperate to eat of the ground and who knows what you put in there!

Shoto: I'll be back.


It was as he said. I could see his face turn a bit reddish but I was sure it was just my imagination but after that he just left the room and I felt a shiver running down my spine. This was definitelly not a situtaion I want to be in.

He might be even crazier than his old man...!!!

And how am I even supposed to eat something of a bowl without hands?

Does he really exoect me to bury my face in the bowl like a dog?!

I'm soo fucking screwed!

I don't get it...

Should I scream?

Or is that just gonna get me even more fucked?

I'm scared... the guy seems outta his mind!

And who the hell was that jackass that gagged me at the convenience store?!

He is supposed to be a hero in training and a future hero!

Why is he doing this?!

There is also no way my mom would come to save me...

If anything she would be happy that I'm gone...

I wonder how long I've been here..

What do I do?

I didn't know how much time went by but when the door creaked again, I couldn't help but look at Shoto coming back into the room.

Shoto: Did you wait for me like a good little boy?

The way he acted, the way he was talking to me, everything was messed up and yet it was normal to talk and act this way with a quirkless person in this fucked up society. Still I couldn't help it and wonder what happened for this situation to be triggered.

Shoto: You didn't eat any of your poridge. You know... you shouldn't be a picky eater.


Shoto: Oh but I got a present for you.


Shoto: I will give you your present first.

Me: I don't need a present. 

Shoto: Are you ready?

Me: ... 

Shoto: Turn around.

He could have helped me turn but instead he kicked me around so I was rolling and not only that but he wasn't being gentle at all. With the wounds and the bruises I got from my mother yesterday this wasn't a good thing for me and so I let out a painful scream. Still he didn't care and what I saw next left me speechless.

I saw Bakugo being tied up. No tied up was the wrong word here since it looked like bondage in my point of view. He was ratteling and trying to get out of it but to no avail. To top it off he had some collar around his neck which I was sure was a quirk surpression collar as well.

Bakugo: MMPH!!!

The key point was that he was being tied up and his mouth was taped shut as well so he could't curse at all. However the look in his face was quite desperate and no matter what he was about to say I knew he wanted to get out of here as much as I wanted it.


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