The punishment

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Me: That's Kacchan! YOUR CLASSMATE!

While I was quite freaking out, Shoto didn't seem like it was a big deal at all. Now the thing was... how was I about to get away from here and get Kacchan out of here tho he would definitelly deserve to here for what he did, I actually didn't wanted to have him on my own consciousness.

Shoto: That's right. But he is also a fucking son of a bitch that should rot in hell.

Now he was basically taking the words from my mouth. I really wanted to say this for a while now but I couldn't and here was Shoto doing that for me.

Before I could say anything more, Shoto truned around and I could see some fire dancing around his hand. If he was about to do what I thought then this was definitelly bad. I should have shouted something or omved or stopped him but I couldn't. I literally thought that Kacchan was deserving it for what he did.

Shoto: Let me explain to you...

He grabbed Kacchan by his hair with one hand while his other hand had now fire dancing all around it.

Kacchan: MMPH!

Shoto: ... What we are gonna do with Bakugo here... We are gonna play a game called "Let's fuck Bakugo up"

Me: ...

I was speechless and could only watch as he started to actually use his hand and burn Bakugo's skin. At first it was a hand mark around his neck so he couldn't scream anymore. I hated the smell of burned skin soo much that I started gagging up. The moment Shoto saw me do that, he stopped with the burning and threw Bakugo from the chair.

Shoto: I am so sorry...

That was all he said while he got out of the room but when he came back, I was shocked to see what he had in his hands. 


This was all Bakugo had to say to me when Shoto ripped the tape over his mouth down while getting out of the room. It was just us for just a bit and yet it was disguasting me.

Bakugo: We were classmates for as long as I remember, right? I know I was pretty hard on you later on, and I'm fucking sorry about it... but it looks like this guy might actually listen to you! We used to be good friends! Remember?! Save me...please!!!

I saw how much he was begging me but I didn't felt pity with him, what I did feel however was more anger. I was in his shoes once, I got burned and was teased and also thrown around while he was laughing. Now that he was experience everyhting, he wanted to make things right?!

Me: I am fucking tied up too!!! There's nothing I can do to help you! And even if I could...WHY SHOULD I?!


Me: Think about that after you get what you deserve by that lunatic!

I may or may not be smiling at the show right in front of me. It felt good seeing Kacchan suffer but at the same time I was scared about what was gonna happen to me as well.

It wasn't soon after I said that, that the door opened again and Shoto came laughing towards us. 

No matter how insane Shoto is... I hate Bakugo to death!

Bakugo's punishment started without me needing to get my hands dirty at all. The worst part was that I couldn't stop laughing while watching Bakugo getting dragged a bit further away from me by his very own hair. 

Bakugo: NO!

Next thing I knew was Shoto stripping the last things on Bakugo and then actually slapping him over his butt cheek. However he wasn't doing it simply without anything but using his ice quirk to make small spices cover his hand. I didn't know how the wound look liked but I could see the blood.

Shoto: I'm going in!

The moment he said that, I watched him create an ice stake in his hand and the next thing I knew it, Bakugo was screaming soo badly.

Bakugo: N-NO!!!

I could only imagine that Shoto put that thing inside him as I saw Bakugo lean towards the ground in pain. Shoto however was holding his hips up and that was when I definitelly knew what was going on. He just shoved that thick ice thing inside Bakugo and started to move it up and down. With each thrust he did, he put it deeper inside and Bakugo only screemed more in respond to that.


Shoto: I feel sick watching you!

What the hell am I even watching?!

It continued going on and on and the worst thing was that Bakugo was actually getting hard by this. Shoto however didn't show any mercy to Bakugo while he forced him to stand on his knees while Shoto grabbed the ropes around his chest. Now I could see what is going on better than before.

Shoto: Seeing you like that makes me very happy.

These words were directed towards me and no one else and it was only by this time that I realized that I was smiling. I was actually really happy that Bakugo was humaliated in the words way possible. This was worse than what I went though and yet it felt satisfying to watch this. Something must have been wrong with me but I couldn't help it. I went through soo much on my own that this much was just naturally.

This went on and on for I don't really know for long but Shoto created thicker ice stakes whenever that one in his hand started melting to much. At the end over everything Bakugo couldn't help it and cum all over the place but that was apparently what Shoto wanted.

Shoto: This will be your last time being able to enjoy yourself.

It was only now that I undertsood what his plan was from the gettago. All of the sudden, Shoto threw Bakugo to the ground and moved him towards his back so he could grab his dick. It was just scream that echoed for the next couple of seconds throught he room. Shoto basically used his ice quirk around his dick, freezing it off as much as he could and he even managed to get ice all around and then started to break it with the hammer he brought back from before. I never noticed it or I didn't pay enough intetnion but this was definitelly mutilation of his manhood and the moment I realized that, my whole stomach turned upside down and I threw the very last thing up, I had stored in my stomach.

A/N: .... You owe me more than just a cake my friend... how can you make me write something like that for just one cake?!!!!

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