A pet and a toy!

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I don't really know how long it has been since I am trapped and imprissoned here but I didn't really care anymore. My mind was broken by now but my will to survive was still there. If only there was a chance to escape then I would take it. I would glady use any means necessary and by that I mean my body. After the first time I guess I kinda gave up resisting and gave up any means necessarry. I mean my body was doing whatever it wanted and it didn't even care how I felt. So there was really no way out of it. He did it after that bathtime over and over again. I do remember times I would wake up int the bathtube completly covered in cum and Shoto getting out his cum from inside me. I also remember times when he would let me walk to the bathroom alone to get myself cleaned up. I feared what I become since I did enjoy it as well... I didn't wanted to think about it.

While I was laying down on the ground the door to my cell opened and Shoto came inside to get me out. I knew the procedure by now and followed him quietly while he had a chocker with a leash on me. I was still cuffed so there was really no chance on fighting against him in my state.

Should I pounce right now?


He is too strong!

I don't stand a chance without some kind of weapon and I am quirkless as well.

I should just play along like usual.

Maybe there will be something this time.

Some way to escape.

Shoto: Come on.

What is he planning to do this time?

We walked down the hallway and entered another room where the table was set and there was a sushi chef as well. There was another person but the fact that there was a person made me realize my situation.



No way...

His father is backing him up!!!

That hero knows about this madness!

Then that means...

I am screwed

There is no way to run!



This is it?!!!!

The moment I saw that person I knew it was over. I knew what my fate is and I felt it klick in my mind. If this was already my fate then why not enjoy it. I could live. Maybe if I get on Shoto's good side then I could also be his pet. Who knows? I was soo desperate to live and I had a feeling, no the way shoto was talking about how much he loved me... maybe if I stopped resisting and accepted him. Maybe I would get out of here and live a good life.

I knew that thought was insane on it's own but I was soo done with life. That was my only conclusion at this point.

Shoto: I am proud of you for not screamin Izuku.

Me: What?

Shoto: You see my father knows about this and I'm the one who hired that cook.

I knew it!

They are all screwed!

Why me?!

Why is he doing this?

What did I do?

Is it because I talked about his fire side once?

Is it because I made him realize it was not a bad thing?


I don't know!

I don't even know you!

Shoto: I wanted to treat you to a nice meal.

Me: Th-Thank you.

Shoto: Of course. Now take a seat.


Is that conveyor belt sushi?

What is going on?

There is also some luxury sushi...


this is it.

there is no way to fight it any longer.

We both went to the table and sat down. The food looked delicious and while I was a prisoner I always got some food from him. It was never bad but sometimes just small since I did resist but other times I would get a feast after obeying him. I already knew it for so long that this was the end of my fate. I was simply a toy and a pet for Shoto and if I didn't obey then I would get the stick that would hurt me.

Shoto: It looks delicious, try some.

However if I woudl obey him, everything was fine and I would even get some nice rewards as well. So without questioning it, I looked at the table and the plate in front of me. He did add some nice sushi on it. My mouth was watering since I liked eating sushi as well and I knew how to eat by now. The first day he pressed my head inside that bowl of food the second one he did the same on the third one I ate on my own and I was fine... this was how it was. I was a filthy dog after all.

So without looking bag, I bowed towards the desk and started eating with my face down to the table like a normal pet would do it. It was not only smelling good but it was really good as well.

Shoto: Good boy.

When I finished my plate Shoto petted my head and ruffled it up before giving me some more. It really was some good sushi.

Shoto: That's my sweet Izu~

One plate after another, I started to finish them all off since I was quite hungry as well. Besides this sushi was really good as I said. There was no way I would have ever been able to get my hands on such good sushi.

Shoto: Are you done eating?

Me: Yeah...

I totally devoured that...

Shoto: Since you are all finished...

The person who served us food looked at me first before grabbing the knife in one hand. I was scared what would happen since no matter what happened here his father would make it so that there would be no traces found and no one could tell where I was.

Shoto: Now it's my turn to feast on you Izuku~

Me: F-Feast on me?! What is that supposed to mean?

Shoto: Izuku, why do you look so scared?



Because you could kill me and no one would know what happened down here!


I am scared!

Was I not obedient enough?

Did I do something wrong?

Maybe I shouldn't have eaten soo much!

Me: Because you will fucking butcher me!!!

Shoto: Pffff-- Oh no.. Silly boy! So I really need to explain everything to you, I was trying to make a dirty joke.

Me: A dirty joke?

I was standing close to the table ever since Shoto said that and looked at him with my back towards that sushi chef. Little did I know what was going on and even less that the shining thing to my left was a knife. It just happened too quickly that I couldn't explain it but the sushi chef was cutting my clothes down while I was obediently standing still out of fear and then they placed me on the table.

Shoto: We are gonna make you into a human sushi~

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