Can't fight it

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The next time I woke up, I was actually tied to the bed or more like cuffed. However that was not the worst thing at all.


Me: He's a psycho....

The moment I said that, I heard the door open and footsteps approaching me. Before I really knew what was going on, Shoto was on top of me and he was even holding my already cuffed hands down. He looked tired and he looked insane to me. This was also the moment I just realized what was going on and in what position we were in.

Shoto: You're mine forever.

He leaned down towards me and started to kiss me. At first our lips just touched each other but that was definitelly just a starrt. It soon got a lot worse.


He started to force his tongue into my mouth and kissed me more and more. After that he continued to work on my neck and also my ear.

He is a horrible kisser....

Next thing he did was pull my pants down and my boxers as well. Then he put my shirt up and away. Now that I was completly maked, he started to work down my chest and kissed me all over the plasses till he got to my nipples where he started first to lick them and play around with his tongue before he started sucking and biting them as well.

It wasn't soon after that, that he moved down towards my cock.

I was soo hoplessly useless and tied down. There was nothing I could do when he went between my legs or started licking my dick. There was nothing I could when he started to play around with it and put it into his mouth.


Soon he started to mothe his tongue running it up and down while my dick was still in his mouth. Then he started to actually suck it but also move his head up and down. I could tell by how much it went into his mouth and even if I hated how I felt right now, I couldn't deny how much this felt good.


This feels good!

He continued doing the same thing for quite a while and I felt how much my breath started to quicken. I was a toy for him right now and he was good with what he was doing even tho he was a really bad kisser. Next thing he did was actually get away for a bit or so I thought ebfore he started to use his hand while also sucking my balls. 

Shoto's finger.... the ling and slim thingers are....

If you can't avoid it... you might as well enjoy it... right?

Even if I wanted to fight against my desires and the pleasure, I would lose soo badly. This was why I didn't even try and started to enjoy it as it is. I was cuffed to the bed anyways. What should I do else?

Me: Mhhh~

He started to use his mouth and tongue again as he switched from his hands to his mouth. The way he put it into his mouth and the way his tongue was actually touching it, was literally feeling soo good right now.

Me: Ugh.... 

I feel like I'm comming....

Me: No, Stop it~... STOP~!

My voice was getting out shaky but there was really not what I could do about this. Still no matter what I said, he continued and even increased in speed. He was trying to suck it out and that was something I didn't wanted. I didn't know how I should feel about this at all.

Me: NO!

Still there was really nothing I could do as he continued ignoring me completly. I tried my best to hold it back but how was I supposed to do that when in reality he was not giving me a break at all. I felt hot, I could feel my heart beat and I felt this high on lust. It felt really good so when he didn't stop there was nothing I could do about it. No holding back would actually work in this kind of situation and so I came right into his mouth as he pushed my dick deeper down his throat.

Shoto: *cough**cough*

Me: WAIT! What are you doing?... What are you...

He came over to me and moved up towards my lips before our lips touched again and he pressed something into my mouth.

Me: Mmpph!!!

Shoto: hehehe

Me: *cough**cough**cough*


What did I just do?

The bitterness of the seeds I swallowed and the stickiness was all around the inside of my mouth and I hated the fact that he forced me to basically swallow and eat my own cum. This person was crazy but the moment he said it was my turn now, a cold shiver ran down my spine.

Shoto: Open your mouth!

Oh I wanted to disobey him but I was scared of what he was about to do. I knew what he was ready to do but the question is how much would he really do to me? At this point I was scared to my life to disobey him. So I opened my mouth as he asked and that was when he stripped off his pants himself to reveal his own cock.

Shoto: That's right. Just like that!

Without even telling me anything, or ask how I felt like it, he put his dick into my mouth. I could have bitten it off and I could have hurt him but was it really a good idea? No. It may not be a good idea but the moment he started moving in and out, I couldn't help it but bite him.


He not only screamed and pulled out but also slapped my face hard and I felt it. Right after that slap, he started to ball his hands into fists and beat me down. I was chained and I couldn't even try to shield my face as his hands connected with my cheeck. Once left, once right and so on. I started to feel really dizzy by the end he was finished with me. This was my punishment for disobeying him, this was the consequence I got from biting him.

Shoto: Say you're sorry before I kill you!!

It wasn't an open threat. He really meant it and I knew it.

Me: Why the hell are you doing this to me you fucking pervert?!!!

Shoto: You really don't know?

Just before he would say anything more, he force me to look him right into his face and then he said the unthinkable.

Shoto: I'm doing this because I love you!

He's actually crazy!

Me: If you try that again, I'm gonna chew off both your balls.

Oh how much I was trembeling. I was scared really badly and yet here I was trying to fight back and put some sense into this. It may be better to give it all up but I still wanted to see would let me do.

Shoto: Cut the bullshit, you're starting to really piss me off.

I felt the change in temperature and knew I was done for if I was about to continue with this noesense of fighting back.

Shoto got off the bead and started walking off to a direction I couldn't quite get out. This room I was in, was pretty dark. Besides even if I wanted to see more, I was chained down to a bed.

Where is he going?


Is there really no way for me to escape?

I should have just bit his dick off when I had the chance.

He's probably not gonna put it in my mouth again.

The door to my room opened once again and the moment Shoto came into my view, my face palled. I had a hunch what was about to happen and my poor mind wasn't ready for it at all.

Shoto: Izuku, I brought you a present. It's a dozen pens.

Me: Pens? What for?

Shoto: Oh my Izu, I told you to behave, didn't I?

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