The magic of pens

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My mind was blank as I saw him come over and then sit at the edge of the bed. He was crazy and there was definitelly no questioning that. This guy was more than just insane and I knew it but this... this was something on a complete other level.

Shoto: I'm gonna put all these inside you.




From what I could see he had about 13 pens in his hand and it was quite tick while he was holding all of them in a bundle together. This was insane and never did I imagine anyone would do this with pens!

Shoto: But if you say you're sorry, I'll consider giving you a second chance.

Me: I'm sorry don't put those inside me!

Panick was written all over my face. I didn't even dared to imagine what he was about to do or did I wanted to experience it at all. The thought alone was hurting and disguasting me.

Shoto: Bullshit!

What I didn't know was that there were some chains around the bed which could also be used at my legs to pull them appart. Oh I really didn't think there was something like this. Never in my entire life did I thought I would be in this kind of satuation at all.

Before I knew what was going on, he used quite the force on me to pull my legs appart and strap them down to the bed. Of course I screamed over and over again that I was sorry but he continued anyways. Soon I found him on the bed right between my legs watching me with a smile. Fuck, I didn't found this funny at all.


Alright... I may or may not sound like Bakugo right now but there was really nothing I could do at all. I was scared and I didn't wanted this. I wanted to get home. Any beating of this world was better than this.

Shoto: Here we gooo~

First I felt his hands around my butt cheeks than he spanked me before he went down to my ass hole and started to slightly touch it before I felt something cold. This was definitelly the pen which was spinning around the entrance touching me and no matter how much I wanted to ecsape right now there was no chance of it at all since I was basically strapped down to the bed.

I was not ready for it!

I was soo not ready for it when he thrusted it inside me.


Shoto: One.... 

It hurt since he just thrusted it inside me instead of preparing me or doing anything at all. 

Me: Stop! AGH!!! Please!

Tears were falling down my cheek at this point.

Shoto: Two!

And another onw which just got thrusted in full force and as deep as possible. A pen was after all more than 5 cm tall and he just put that inside me. Oh it hurt just the push insde and thinking about it made it worse.


Shoto: That's what you say...

He stopped for a second before he started to play with my dick. It was this very moment that made me hate  my body. How could it be aroused at this moment, how could I feel the please and the pain from what he was doing this was not good. I hated it. I hated myself. I hated this place and I hated Shoto for this!

Shoto: Oh you will soon find to like this!

Me: NO! You're wrong! It's what it loooks like!

Shoto: You're a pervert, aren't you!

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