Bath time

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After he was satisfied enough of doing that and make me cum right into his hands, he decided I needed a bath. Of course I was fighting him but I also learned my lesson because I felt his quirk while he was holding me. He was not joking when it came to punishment and so I just accepted it. The pens were surely a lesson for me and now that they were finally out, I felt somewhat releaved but I also had such a bad feeling about what going to come next.

The moment we arrived in the bathroom, he threw me inside the bathtube and started to shower me with water.

Shoto: Let's get you all cleaned up.

Me: Stop it!!

Shoto: Take off your clothes Izuku.

He had the shower going at me the whole time and by now my clothes were wet and I was sitting in a bit of water inside the bathtube.

Me: Take the handcuffs off me! How do you expect me to get my clothes off?!

A valid question but he just ignored it and pulled my clothes over my head hanging down from my hands since I was cuffed. This was how I sat there completly naked and let him rinse some water over me.

Of course he started to pour some shampoo on me and rubbing it in. I on the other hand tried to fight a bit but gave up the moment I felt the water becoming freezing since he used his quirk a bit. There was no way I could fight back at all. I wanted to live and my instincts were screaming at me to just leave it be and let it get over with. My body was not my own anymore and as much as I knew it, I was in denial of it.

Shoto: Let me wash your body too.

While he may have said that, he started to rub at my nipples and lean on closer. Of course he didn't miss to just touche me ever so slightly and move his hands downwards too. Not soon after that he was already rubbing my dick.


Did he stop?


Instead he went down and started to slip one finger in my ass moving it a bit, pushing it in and out as if he was playing with me. Who was I kidding, he was playing with my body and I couldn't do anything about it.

With one hand he was still rubbing my dick and the other one was inside me.


The moment I made a noise, he stopped rubbing my dick and concentrated on my ass. Who knows what was going on in this sick mind but my mind was blank at the moment. He might kill me if I faught back. He did say so and he warned me soo many times that this was definitelly better than death.

Me: Ah~

Shoto: Have you ever heard of Shiofuki before?

Me: Ugh~

Shoto: Apparently men are capable of squirting just like women. I wouldn't know that.... though let's find out. so I'm curious to see how your body would react Izuku.

Me: WHAT?!

He went hard and if there was one finger insdie befiore there were now 2 and he went on and on pressing a point inside me and thrusting his fingers inside while pulling them out in the next moment. It felt good somehow and I hated myself for it. It was disguasting and I was not gay, I wasn't into these things but my body was reacting to this. It seemed as if this was the course of nature.

Shoto: I heard this would happen just by stimulating their prostate area.

Me: HNNGH~ Ahhhh~

Shoto: How is that?

Me: St-Stop!

I tried to hard not to lose myself but it was useless and I knew this. It felt too good. He got into the bathtube with me and started to lick at my nipples and bite them again.


Shoto: If you feel like cumming, just do it.

I was way over to be able to think clearly by now. Did I see when he came into the bathtube or when he got his own dick out? No. I couldn't. While I was trying soo hard to keep my sanity and not lose myself, I was not able to actually realize anything else but the heat I felt and the please coming with it.

Shoto: Izu.... so you're finally in the mood and ready for this.


Truth be told... I was not.

Still that didn't stip him from slipping and teasing my butt hole with his own penis. 

Me: UGH!

It hurt at first but the pens before were worse. However the sudden trust inside me send me screaming. It was long and it was thick. It was too long. My stomcha felt as if it was about to split. My whole body felt hot and it felt as if he was actually gonna split and rip me into pieces as he went inside me completly.

Shoto: *gasp* Ah~

I can't believe this....

He ...


he is inside me...

The sex was not enough for him because soon our lips touches and our tongues started to play with each other. I was soo out of my mind. I couldn't do anything anymore. 

I feel weird...

The trusting didn't stop. He went inside all the way inside and then out in a pretty fast manour and speed as well. It was... it felt... it felt good and I felt myself losing it with each trust he did. Shoto grabbed my hips to stabile me and also to hold me closer so he could get inside more and it just drove me crazy. 


At the end I couldn't help it and came from all the plreasure. However he wasn't yet done with it... He continued what he was doing over and over again until I felt my consciousness slipping away. My body was too tired for this and yet it also felt really good. Soon everything went black and the last thing I heard him say was this: I am gonna give you the best wet dreams you ever had.

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