More or less?

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Me: Hu-Human... Su... sushi?!

I was scared since that implied more than one meaning and the worst one was death for me. Still Shoto was standing there laughing at me as if it was nothing serious at all.


The sushi chef had me already in his arms or more like tentacles since his quirk just shoved up. He was definitelly a sea creature with all these arms. 


I was scared and the more I was scared the more I felt my heart beat and I could literally start hearing it. That was never a good sign but the thing was... this man just pulled me on the table.

Sushi Chef: Don't move or you will get hurt.

Of course I did what he said and stopped struggeling, resisting and everything else. I already accetped my fate when I saw him in here and when Shoto said his father was backing this all up. There had to be a catch! There had to be something and then it hit me. I saw Shoto using his fire side before. He hated it and even after I told him it was such a great quirk he still refused to use it. Well I did transfere so I don't know what happened after that but seeing him use it and my mind being in a state of overwork, I started to see all the puzzle pieces together. Shoto used his fire side and then his father is actually allowing this... it had to be some kind of deal.

While I realized that the sushi chef put some sushi in me. Now I really did know what they meant with human sushi. It was quite literally a human as a plate and then sushi placed on them. In my case it was some leafe and then sushi placed on it as well as some fish around my nipples then some suchi around my legs once again on some leafe and the chef even put a leafe plate right on the tip of the start of my dick.

Shoto: I suggest you stay still unless you want to get hurt.

I was obdeient, I was a dog and I knew my place. So I just nodded and let him use his chop sticks to get some sushi off me. While Shoto went straight for some sushi aorund my nipples, he use it to actually grace my skin and pet me with it.


It was to early for me to make this kind of sound but it didn't seem to bother Shoto as he snakced on it as if nothing happened.

why do I feel soo sensitive?

All he did was touch me with his chopsticks and play a bit with the food...

He went once again for some food and I flinched again. I felt this one way more than the last one. Not only that but I felt myself getting aroused by each second which let me bamboozled. There was only one explaination to this and that meant that my mind was broken.

Shoto: The aphrodisiac in the sushi seems to be working.


In the sushi...

Did I hear it right?

Shoto: Did you know?

Oh no, I didn't know nor did I wanted to know. Shoto stood up from his chair and leaned over the table but the worst thing was that he was soo close to my face and his other hand was on my dick slowly petting it. For my mind this was too much already.

I got a soft kiss on my cheek before he started to nibble on my ear while his hand was doing its job with me. He was definitelly up to no good but I knew this already. This was not the first time he did this.

Shoto: Suchi tastes best when it's close to body temperature.

After he sweetly whispered that into my ear, he went down to my chest and licked at the sushi on my skin as well as my nibble itself. Oh how I felt this. Chills were running down my spine because of all the pleasure I felt.

Me: Ah~

His hand on the other hand just went up and down my dick. It felt good and this was not the first time I felt it but this time my mind was ready for it. I already accepted my fate and that I was his dirty dog. So this time I wanted to be in charge of it. 

However before I could actually tell him that or do anyxthing, he removed some of the sushi to bite my nipple and lick it all the away around. Meanwhile his hand started to grab me tighter and he was moving it up and down faster while taking especially care on the tip of my penis since it was the most sensitive part after all.


The moment I let out a noise, he stopped and looked at me satisfied. Right after that he moved a bit down and then forced my legs appart so he could lick my dick and the base of it. It was just a bit of that at first but soon he put it in his mouth and started to play with his tongue around it. I felt the wamrth in his mouth and I felt how his tongue was playing soo badly with my dick while he was putting it in and out moving his face up and down as well.

I couldn't hold back the trembeling of my body or anything as he was doing this. The word devouring was getting a complete new meaning since I felt as if he was not only devouring me but he was inhalating me soo much. 

I felt hot and I felt more than good.

Shoto: Aren't you asking me to put it in?

With that being said he finally stopped eating me up and let me catch a breath or so I thought until he put his finger at my ass hole and started pressing and teasing it.

Me: AH!~

I want more...

I can't believe it...

The way he touches me...

the way the sushi touches me...


I need more!

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