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I didn't even know when I actually fell asleep but it had to be more like passing out from the beating then actually sleeping. The next day when I woke up, I had bruises all over my body and not only that but I also had to go out to get some more instant food. I really hated to go out and then the bruises and the other injuries like broken bones from the beating were enough for me to hiss at every move I did. It really hurt and I hated life and myself as well.

Still it had to be done and so I went out of the house. A rare occurence, I knew that and every time I would get out, I had a hoddy over my fluffy head and was actually walking looking to my left and right always fearing that someone might grab me and hit me more. This was the life I lived so far as a quirkless reject.

Usually on a weekday like today, my mother leaves for work and would return only very very late. It was the only pleasure I had at home being all alone and being greated with the silence. It was definitelly better than being greeted with beatings and pain as well as jelling each and every night. The silence was something I really learned to treasure a lot.

The sun rays are burning my skin...

I hate it...

Why did I had to run out of food?

Looking left and right only left me seeing people. Happy people laughing at each other as well as talking to each other and enjoying the company. Then there were people looking at their phones and just minding their own business and there was me who tried to vanish from everyones sight and just quickly get this over. For me this whole thing was another kind of turtore.


Calm down...

My heart... gosh I can't do this... calm down...

I just need to buy some instant noodles and get outta here....

What if I run into someone I know....?


That can't be!

Just calm down...

There is no way I will see Kacchan or any of the UA hero class....

I broke up gen ed after all...

Yeah this is for the better...

In the past year, I never walked further than 50 meters from my house because my destination is always the same old convenience store down the road. Besides that I was rather happy I gave up on UA and my dream of becoming a hero. I would have been a trash student and an even worse hero. I remember seeing the hero class and also associating with them for a bit since I got in but after two weeks I transfered to gen ed and switched with another student because I felt horrible in that class.

Thankfully it didn't take me long to get to the convenient store. I knew the way to the noodles and I knew which one I would take. Nothing ever changed besides the weather and the time I would go out. Besides that it was all the same.

They're out of my favorite noodles...


Why do I feel as if someone is watching me?


There is no one here besides that part-timer as a cashier...

Why does it feel like that person looked at me... no he is looking at me!

Does he know me from somewhere?

Maybe that time I tried to safe Kacchan...


I hate how it's always a different pet-timer working here.... 

I can never get used to new people...

I really felt unconfortable to stay even a minute longer in this store. So I just grabbed a couple of instant noodles and ramen and went to pay for it. This really didn't let me go. I was quite sure that the cashier, that part-timer was loooking at me the whole time and that was starting to creep me out.

Part-Timer: That'll be 15 bugs.

Me: Just a sec...

Part-Timer: Take your time.

Me: Got it right... here....

W-Where did my wallet go?

I am pretty sure it was here...


Did I actually forget it?

No way...

I am such a DEKU!

Part-Timer: Don't worry.

As I was still searching for my wallet, I could hear the person saying that and chuckling as well. That made me look up and the moment I did it was already to late. My heart froze and my head was overthinking things soo much that I couldn't move. This man was laughing at me and had a towel in his hand. Not soon after I realized what was going on he pressed it at my mouth and I didn't quite understand why nor if I knew him but this was definitelly not a good situation for me to be in.

Part-Timer: I'm gonna collect the money from someone else later.


Of course I struggled!

Me: Oofff!!!

I struggled with all my might trying to get out of this man grasp but I didn't know he had arms as quirks and that he didn't had one but 8 arms. They all were holding me in place not letting me escape at all. All the while my own head was starting to run and my heartbeat which was already fast due to the anxiety I felt of going out of my house was spiking even more.

Me: MMPH! MMPH!!!!

There was one thing I always knew... I was destined to live a shitty life from the beginning till the end.

No matter how much I struggeled it was futile. I felt my power starting to vanish and I felt how the strength in my body just gave in. Right after that my legs gave in and I flopped to the groun barelly holding on to consciousness. This was bad and this was more than bad but I refused to actually give in comepletly....

I mean I knew my life was desitned to be shitty and it was just worse than hell but this... this was freaking messed up even for my standarts. 

Like seriously....

A kindapping?

Out of everything... it was kidnapping...

Not death...

Not an accident...

Not my mother or anyone killing me...

Not robbery...

Not suicide.... but kidnapping...

Well what damn luck I had...

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