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Louis didn't see Harry for the rest of the day that he arrived on the estate. He restlessly kept walking around the upstairs of the mansion, craning his neck out the window in the living room whenever he heard footsteps crunching the stones outside to only find Jamie or Peter.

He didn't want to disturb the lad, but knowing he was here that he could talk to him if he plucked up the courage to do so, had his skin almost itching.

The day practically dragged, so he had to find some things to keep his mind occupied. He went for a swim, but when the bees and wasps came to the surface of the water to cool down, he fled. He took his knitting needles and began continuing knitting a blanket he was making for his mum. It was practically pointless, because he's been at it for almost two years and only six patches done. It's not even big enough to wrap around the shoulders.

He's surprised when he's sitting in his room the following day, sun poking in through the window and striping along the end of his bed where Clifford sits, his panting causing the bed to shift.

Louis is just mindlessly scrolling through his phone, when the back door's bell rings. Peter is at the other end of the house, so Louis takes it in himself to answer it. He rushes out the room, shoving his phone in his shorts' pocket, Clifford scrambling down the stairs beside him.

He fixes his hair a little in the mirror, before opening the boot room door, then stepping into said room, opening the back door.

Harry stands there, hair pulled back into the smallest bun due to it not being long enough, fly aways tickling his face. He tucks a strand behind his ear. There's a sheer of sweat highlighting his cheeks and forehead, eyes bright. He wears a thin yellow fabric tshirt that is almost seethrough, and some denim shorts.

He rubs the side of his cheek, biting at his bottom lip. "Um... sorry if I'm bothering you in anyway, but I was wondering if I could have that tour?" he questions, avoiding Louis' eyes before they fall onto him.

Louis breathes, nodding slowly. "Sure. I wasn't doing anything special, let me get me shoes on." He goes to turn and that's when Clifford decides to bombard past and slams himself into Harry.

Louis tuts, shoving his trainers onto his bare feet. "Clifford! Manners! Jesus, like a bull in a china shop. Leave him alone he probably doesn't want your slobbery breath all over him."

Harry giggles, giving Cliff a big old fuss, pouting down at him cutely and talking baby talk to him under his breath. It's utterly adorable and Louis cannot help the fond smile from surfacing.

"It's alright, dogs are my best friends, aren't they, Cliffy?" Harry says sweetly, pecking Clifford on the top of the head when Clifford jumps up at him to get closer to Harry's face, tail swishing wildly.

Louis shakes his head. "Clifford's my best friend. Only one I ever needed. Come on, let's start with the meadow. I hope you're up for a good walk, because it takes about ten to fifteen minutes to stroll through both woods each." He closes the door behind him, not bothering with Clifford's lead because he won't go anywhere outside the estate.

Harry falls into step with Louis, rounding around the mansion and through the black wooden gate where the small pond trickles a water fountain, goldfish swimming happily inside them.

"No bother to me, I like a good walk. Clears the mind," Harry converses, staring at the pond to spot the goldfishes, their scales sparkling in the sunlight.

Louis watches Harry scan the gardens, smiling at the sunflowers that grow in one of the flower beds to the left.

"Those are my favourite flowers this time of year," Louis says.

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