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The sun's rays chase away the dark of the night, sending the stars and it's sister—the moon— into hiding. Bursts of coral pinks and warm oranges swirl within the baby blues, drying the dew drips from the grass.

Birds chirp happily and have been for a few hours prior, waking up at the crack of dawn. Bees and green-bottle flies buzz past to get to the growing apples on the apple trees.

The warm breeze tickles the bare skin, fluttering hair in its wake.

It's the sound of the pebbles crunching under toe that begins stirring Louis awake. He curls further into whatever the hell is next to him, flinging his arm around it because, yeah, it's comfy as fuck and it's almost like hugging Clifford, but with less fur and more hard muscles. It's like a teddy on steroids.

He feels the soft rise and fall every time they breathe against the palm of his hand, and that soothes the darkness from returning.

"Good morning, you two. Enjoy your nap?" Mabel's voice hollers gleefully.

Louis whines in his throat in return, burying his head into the back of what he thinks could possibly be someone's neck.

It's way too early to be awake.

"Aw, look at you two, all snuggle bugged up together, adorable! I should snap a pic and hang it on the fridge," Mabel teases.

"Piss off, Mabes, let me sleep," Louis mutters, breath tickling Harry's neck so it causes him to squirm and Louis to moan in protest.

"Well, I was going to make egg benedicts for breakfast, but since you're being such a miserable cow, Lou, I'm feeding yours to Clifford." He feels a slap across his cheek, and he flings his eyes open to see Mabel grinning up at him.

"I hate you," he deadpans. "Like, so much."

She pouts, flicking her hair over her shoulder. She tilts her head. "Should I be offended by that?"

Louis narrows his eyes before flopping his head back down onto the pillow, the springs of the trampoline squeaking ever so slightly that it could've been past off as the breeze.

Harry turns, his legs untangling from Louis' so their chests are flushed.

"Morning," he bumbles tiredly. "That was one of the best sleeps I've ever had."

Louis hums a little, not daring to open his eyes when Harry is this close to him. He wouldn't know what he'd do. Bust a nut maybe, or potentially die on the spot.

"I could do with some eggs," Harry mumbles.

Mabel makes a noise in her throat, which sounds as though she agrees. "And what might you be doing today, darling Harry."

Louis feels the trampoline shift whilst Harry goes to sit cross-legged onto it. He dares to sneak a peek and sees the way the duvet pools around Harry's shoulders, hair flopping down his shoulders in the neatest, messy way he's ever seen.

He's so pretty, the slight bags under his eyes, the way his green eyes look like the moss in the forest where the sun dries them out before the downpour. The sun heats up the left side of his face, creating his faint freckles to look more prominent.

"Don't know. I'm thinking maybe writing some music." Harry shrugs, wringing his fingers.

Mabel's lips pull down. "You're on holiday, you should be resting."

Harry gives her a small smile. "This place brings great inspiration for some lyrics. I don't mind writing music on my time off, it's when I'm most honest."

Louis could listen to the damn guy talk all day. The deep slow drawl is enough to cause flapping things in his insides.

Louis stretches, yawning and bops Mabel on the nose from where she stands behind him. He sits up and scratches at his cheek.

In Too Deep (Dancing With The Shadows)Where stories live. Discover now