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The trees are like stakes, poking their tips into the ice blue skies, hoping that the sun will hug them close and bring their leaves to bloom at some point soon. Clouds are thick against the canvas, bringing sleet and flakes to flutter down and chill the crisp grass that tremors in the breeze. 

The fire crackles loudly in the main hall, bringing warmth into the large house. The scent of ash is overpowered with the cinnamon buns in the oven, and the mulled wine scented candle Harry insisted on lighting.

Peter previously brought the Christmas tree inside, fighting with the restraints on the branches, which resulted in Louis and Felicite pissing themselves laughing over the fact that a branch thwacked Peter in the face, causing a massive red line from his temple to his chin.

"Have you lot done laughing at my struggles?" Peter asks when he comes downstairs with a box of ornaments.

Felicite shakes her head, taking a sip of her hot chocolate and settling it on the windowsill that overlooks the frosty view. "Nope. Give me a second and I'll find it funny again."

Louis grins toward her. He looks behind him when he hears the floorboard creak and the clipping of nails against the hallway's tiles. Clifford is trotting beside Harry, staring up at him pleadingly, eyes keep averting back to the tray in Harry's hands. He wears matching red checkered pyjamas that Felicite is sporting. Harry got the pyjamas for Louis too, but Louis has refused to wear them.

He did, however, struck a deal with Felicite that he will wear them on Christmas day when they open their presents. But because they have two weeks until then, Louis is going to continue to just lounge around in his joggers and pastel knit jumpers, stealing a hoodie or two from Harry as well, of course. 

"The cinnamon buns are done. The icing is runny, just the way you like it, Lou," Harry converses with a wink Louis' way. He settles the tray of sweet pastries on the small table to the left of the enormous tree. 

"Thanks, babe," Louis replies, pecking Harry on the lips. 

Harry grins at Louis. "Have you been eating the mini candy canes before they've been put on the tree?" 

Louis shrugs, acting oblivious. "No idea what you mean," he sarcastically replies, hiding the half eaten candy cane from the side of the table into his mouth. The arch of the cane pokes his cheek out.

"I shot gun putting the star on the top," Felicite says, grabbing the star from the box.

Peter shakes his head and pries it out from her hands. "You always put the star on top. It's only fair that Louis has a go this time round, considering he hasn't helped with the tree in years." Peter hands the star to Louis with a soft smile.

The last time Louis helped with this activity, Owen was here. The last time they did it, Owen sat on Louis' shoulders and helped him put the star on the top of the tree because Louis was too small to do it himself. (It was a lie, he was quite capable of putting it on, but Owen was upset that he wasn't allowed to do it as it was Louis' turn, so Louis made up an excuse for Owen to help him. It was Owen's last time putting a star on a Christmas tree.) 

A lump forms in Louis' throat from the memory and he takes a slow, deep breath. "I think it should be Harry putting the star on the tree. He's a new member of the family, he should be put into our traditions, too."

Harry smiles gleefully at Louis and snakes his arm around Louis' middle. They all busy themselves hanging baubles on the tree, a theme of red and gold that they have never changed. Little fake robins pepper the branches besides china teddy bears and Santa, amongst the more standard rounded baubles. Felicite picks out the crystal reindeer, the one that has Owen's name in cursive on the side and hands it to Louis. 

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