twenty six

318 10 50

Louis and Harry are up in Harry's hotel room, legs twined together under the sheets, naked bodies flushed together. Louis is kissing trails down Harry's arms and chest, mumbling sweet nothings at him in order to see the beautiful pink blush coat his cheeks. 

Harry is carding his fingers through Louis' hair, Louis flicking his tongue against Harry's left top nipple, earning a squeak of a moan to leave Harry's lips, and causing Louis to giggle softly.

"Just wait until I have you inside me," Louis teases, thumbing over Harry's right nipple whilst his tongue works on the left.

Harry opens his mouth to say something, but a knock on the door disturbs them. Louis groans as he goes to stand up, wrapping a robe around his body. 

"I swear to God if I hear anyone yell house keeping, I will ram their mop so far up their arse they'll be able to taste the bleach," Louis rambles, swinging the door open in order to scold the person that has just ruined his perfect opportunity on fucking Harry Styles into oblivion. 

But the narrow eyes turn soft when he sees the blue eyes much like his own looking up at him, red rimmed. 

"Fizz?" Louis coos softly. "What's up?"

Felicite sniffs. "I'm scared," she whispers. "I've not got my teddy, Lou, I didn't bring her."

Louis' lips pull down into a frown. He brushes her hair back with a hand. "I would offer you sleeping in with us..." he begins but Felicite is screwing up her face.

"To hear you two make love all night? Gross!" she hisses.

A large hand wraps around the side of the door, and Louis looks behind him to where Harry is standing with a soft tired smile on his face, sporting the hotel robe much like Louis is. 

"How would you feel sleeping in the same room as Ny Oh? She's alone and I'm sure she'd love to have someone to gossip with and have slumber parties with. She already asked me a few nights ago to paint her nails with her," Harry suggests. 

Felicite's eyes lighten at the thought. "Yes, please," she says shyly, looking down to her toes. "Thanks, Harry."

"Not a problem. Let me give Ny a ring." He leaves back into the room to shortly come back with a grin on his face that brings his dimples out to play. Louis prods one with his finger. "She's in room 107, just down the hall. She's got Up on the TV and is ordering you two chocolate milks to share," Harry notes with a wink. 

Fizz hugs both Louis and Harry before waving goodbye and tentatively walks down the hall and out of sight. 

Louis closes the door behind him. "Now where were we?" 

Harry giggles but his smile soon drops. "Lou... I love you, but I really fancy watching a Disney movie now."

Louis has his palms pressed into the door, leaning his weight onto them. He sighs. "You know, if you mentioned chocolate milk earlier, we could've had a Disney marathon hours ago." He rolls his eyes sarcastically and makes his way to the phone. "So, we agree chocolate milk, maybe with some Baileys?"

Harry throws himself onto the plush bed. "Don't have to tell me twice, Sunflower. Now cmere and give me cuddles," he orders, holding his arms out with an adorable pout on his face that melts Louis' heart and makes him feel reborn.


It is quite magical watching your favourite person on stage. 

The way the lights stripe down on them like a halo, the bursts of reds and blues raining down and illuminating their skin in beautiful shadows. The way their voice carries out over the speaker, caressing each and everyone's hearts that watch on with tears in their eyes and large smiles on their faces. The way the beat rattles your bones and thrums in your ear in time with your heartbeat. The way pride fills your boots and you feel like you could explode with the amount of happiness and love you have for them.

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