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Louis is stirring out of a nap when Peter is knocking on his door.

"Kid, are you getting up? They'll be here in an hour," he says, footsteps heavy on the floorboards.

Louis groans. "Who will?" he answers quietly, burying his head into the pillow further.

"Did you not get my text?" he asks, voice getting high.

Louis' brows knit and he searches for his phone, bringing it up to see that he's been napping for the past four hours or so. There's messages both from Harry and Peter, and as much as he wants to click the messages with Harry, he spots Peter's ones first, and his heart genuinely falls to his stomach, and his stomach falls out his arse. 

His fingers begin to shake. 

"I-I- when was this decided?" Louis squeaks.

"Your mother and I have been talking about it for a few weeks. She wants to talk to me in person, and the girls miss you."

Louis knows 'the girls' excludes Lottie. She never wants to see him again if she had anything to do with it. 

Maybe he should've been the dead brother instead of Owen. 

He springs off the bed. "I can't face them, Dad. Not now, not this week. Please. It'll hurt us all."

Peter shakes his head. "It's too late. Come on, kiddo, Fizz will be able to occupy you, so will Daisy and Phoebe, we don't need to have a big argument over this. Get dressed." With that, Peter gives Louis a reassuring smile and leaves the room.

Louis wants to bury himself deep underground. Maybe jumping out the window isn't such a bad idea.

He quickly gets dressed in some denim shorts and a plain red tee, running down the stairs and over toward the cottage, banging continuously on the door, feeling as though his breath will escape him any minute now and not return. 

Harry opens the door with creased brows and a frown upon his face. "What's the matter?"

"The matter is, my fucking family are coming over, meaning I have to face Mum and Lottie, and Fizz will go AWOL if she sees you here, and I don't know if I can handle both!" He thumps his head into Harry's chest, a desperate whine leaving his throat.

Harry strokes the back of Louis' neck. "I can be with you, if it'll make it easier for you to see your sisters."

Louis shakes his head. "Did you not hear me say Fizzy will go AWOL if she sees you? I wouldn't be surprised if she asks you to sign her fucking forehead, love. I can't ask you to give up your peace here for me."

Harry pecks Louis' cheek. "I'd do that for you any day, Sunflower, and today is one of them. Let me help."

Louis exhales slowly. "Alright, okay. Thanks, love, this means a lot to me." He leans in for a kiss and savours it for a beat.

Harry threads his fingers through Louis' hair before he pulls away and leads him inside the cottage.

"What time will they be here?" he asks.

"In just under an hour," Louis replies, voice wavering with nerves.

Harry smiles. "Then it gives us enough time to make out. I've missed you, you never replied to my texts."

Louis rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry, boo, I fell asleep, my head was hurting with memories and I just had to slip away for a bit. I'm okay now, you've got my attention."

Harry brushes Louis' hair from his eyes, pecking him on the forehead. "You can come to me whenever the thoughts stir, you know that."

"I don't want to disturb your peace."

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