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So apparently kissing each other is a new activity they have established and continue to take forth. They've spent a shit ton more time together, upstairs in the mansion where they bake cookies and make ice slushies, in the living room where they read in a comfortable silence, down in the cottage where they dance to the songs filtering through the records; outside in the pool where they playfully dunk each other in and have water fights.

Anywhere they can squeeze it in, and neither one of them complain. Neither one of them decide to have that chat that they know is heavy on their shoulders. The what will happen once you're gone in a couple weeks time? What are we in this moment that'll create something more? 

Louis wishes Harry could stay for as long as forever, but he knows that's not to happen, and as much as it hurts, that pain that embeds deep into his bones, is one he's felt far too many times that it is all but a dull hum pulsating through his core. 

It's the middle of the night and he stirs out of sleep when he hears a tap tap tap occurring on his bedroom window. Any minute now, he will shoot that fucking bird from tapping its beak against the glass. He's had restless nights recently, that one particular day getting ever more nearer that it is quite literally just around the corner. 

Tap.... tap.


He peels his eyes open, sulkily stomps to the window and pulls the curtains harshly apart, ready to come face to face with a beady eyed demon. 

Instead, he spots the mass of curls atop someone's head, crouching down to grab another pebble from the floor, wearing nothing but pyjama bottoms. Louis furrows his brows, the window squeaking when it opens. The cool air chases away the humidity of his bedroom and it causes his sticky skin to pepper with goosebumps.  

"What the fuck are you doing?" Louis hisses, shaking his head and thumping it onto the window frame.

"I can't sleep," Harry sulks.

Louis rolls his eyes. "That ain't my problem, love," he pauses. "Why didn't you message me instead of acting like a twat from a romance movie?"

Harry's brows narrow. "I did! You never replied." He crosses his arms irritably. 

Louis' lips pull down. "I would've woken up if you did." He leaves the window to grab his phone, returning back. And sure enough, there's six missed calls from Harry, and nineteen messages. "You're not making the accusations of being a stalker any better, Curly," he muses. "I'm surprised I didn't hear it vibrate."

Harry shakes his head. "Are you coming?"

Louis tilts his head. "Where?"

Harry lifts his arms in the air in defeat. "Well if you checked your messages!" he all but shouts, the sound echoing around them and causing Clifford that's in the downstairs kitchen to bark.

Louis unlocks his phone, checking the countless messages Harry's sent him. 

Curly H: I'm boooooorrrrrrredddd

Curly H: I can't sleeeeeeeep

Curly H: It's 2:02 how long will it take you to reply?!?!?

Curly H: Could do with a quick blowie ;)

Curly H: wow really thought that would've gotten you out of bed, but I see how it is

Curly H: Pleaseeeeeeee entertain meeeeeeee

Curly H: I wanna cuddle

Curly H: I miss our cuddles.

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