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Louis frowns when he hears his phone vibrate along the bedside table. His window is fully opened, and a gust of wind blows at the curtains and cools down the room slightly.

The downpour they were expected to have two days ago, never came to be, so the humidity in the air is sticky, the ground is very much dry that it's practically wheezing. His aloe plant slumps slightly with the need of water, and he's quickly spraying the plant with cool water, hoping it doesn't die. It's the only thing that has stayed with him since everything. Well, that, and his dad. But does father dearest even count in this? Because surely as his job as a father he's supposed to stick by his kid's side. Couldn't say the same about his mum, though.

When his phone buzzes again, he groans loudly, that it scares some of the dove's sitting on the roof above him. He snorts at this, shaking his head before plodding over toward his phone and plucking it up. He expects it to be Felicite, or maybe Jamie, but when he sees the name, his heart begins to flop and his tummy sores from his insides. 

He takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly and sits on the end of the bed before his knees buckle. He's a little dramatic, he cannot help himself there, but it's Harry texting him, and if Harry has the heart to text Louis, even if it's because he wants to order him around, Louis can't help but feel like he's achieved something.

Curly H: Loouuuuuuuiiiiiisssssssssssss

Curly H: I can see you watering your plant and ignoring me.

Curly H: OMG that sounded soooooo stalkerish I am so sorry :(

Curly H: Louissssss, darling, boo, sweetheart, babe, sunflowerrrrrrr.

Curly H: Gross I sound like I'm trying to seduce you, I promise I just prefer it to laddy lad, buddy, pal, friend, mate... I call all my friends endearing nicknames I promise!!!

Louis feels his breath hitch reading over those names. He wants to squeal and kick his legs, but doesn't want to draw attention to himself, especially from his dad because he'd sure as hell will question everything. He begins typing enthusiastically back.

Louis: can't you tell I'm trying to ignore you? 

Louis: wait... YOU WERE WATCHING ME? EW PEDO!!!!

Louis: Sunflower??? Where's that name come from. 

Louis: Don't worry, babycakes, I love to call my friends endearing nicknames too ;). But is this you implying we're friends?

Curly H: Heeeyyyy :((( don't ignore me! I'm me, how dare you ignore me!

Curly H: You're older than me, darling, I don't think that makes me a pedo. Stalker, sure. 

Louis: alright, Mr English Teacher. What do you want from me?

Curly H: I cannot believe I am saying this because you never should feel this way on holiday but I'm boooorreeeddd.

Curly H: Also sunflower is because you like sunflowers, so now whenever I see the sunflowers, they remind me of you :D

Louis: jesus, that sounds sooooo like you have a crush on me or sommet.

Louis: how am I supposed to help with your boredom? I don't suck dicks until at least the second date, darling.

Curly H: ...

Curly H: I never SAID I WANTED TO HAVE MY DICK SUCKED LOUIS!!!!! I wanted to make fairy cakes or something, I'm in the mood to bake :(

Louis: aw and I was just warming up to the idea of sucking you off.

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