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His nimble fingers work their way through a different project, completely abandoning the squares of knitting that he once made to make a blanket. Now, his mind is set on making Harry a plush, because he seems like the person that secretly has plush toys in his room, scattered on shelving that hold deep memories. He's almost done, has been working at it for two days, and within those two days, their relationship (whatever that may be) has grown fonder and further. 

He only has the ears to go, and to put the eyes in, then it's done. It's cream in colour, the pink blush on either cheek is prominent, reminding Louis very much of the blush that sports Harry whenever they kiss or hold each other close. It's not so much a bunny at the moment, especially when the ears are laying against his lap, but he hopes Harry will like it, especially with the way he's made the bunny wear strawberry dungarees and has a little bucket hat crocheted on the top of its head.

He attaches the ears swiftly, watches them fall gracefully down the side of its head, and before he knows it, he's finally completed his little gift.

And just in time, it seems, because there's a knock on his door just as he boops its nose and places it in the box with the other wool and tools needed. 

"If you're Harry, the back door is downstairs!" Louis calls, biting back a smile.

The door opens to reveal the boy wearing his hair up in a ponytail, frown upon his glossy lips. "Hey," he drawls out sulkily, crossing his arms. "No way to treat your guest!"

Louis shakes his head and shifts on the bed so his legs and arms are outstretched, a simple invite for Harry to step into his space. "You're no guest, Harold! You're more than that," Louis says slyly. 

Harry warms pink and shuffles into the room. He curls himself into Louis, running his long fingers gently along Louis' jaw and cheeks, pecking him sweetly on the nose. Louis is quick to capture his lips with his own, teasing his tongue in and swiping Harry's mouth with it, causing him to moan, and the sound alone gets Louis all flustered and worked up, brain misting with need.

Harry pulls away, pets Louis' hair. "I was going to do some song writing, but I've lost motivation... was wondering if you wanted to sit in with me and help me come up with some stuff."

Louis rests his palm to his heart dramatically. "I knew it! You're only wanting me for work, and the kisses are my only repayment!"

Harry's eyes widen, and he's quick to grab Louis' hand, giving it a squeeze, moving his head side to side. "Wh-no! I promise you that's not what's happening," he sounds, voice laced with urgency.

Louis can't help but let his smile grow. He gently pushes Harry's head away jokingly. "No, no, you've done it now, mister! But I'll let you know, payment in kisses is my way of working." He winks to show Harry that, yeah, he's only fucking around and knows that Harry isn't using him. 

Harry's body relaxes and he flicks Louis on the forehead. "I hate you," he bumbles lightly, no lace of anger or sincerity in his tone. "You're lucky I will pay you in kisses, because you're too pretty to pass up on the offer."

Louis giggles into his shoulder. "Shut it, Curly, you're making my ego far too big for my liking."

Harry thumbs Louis' cheekbone with a soft smile. "Well, better get used to it, Sunflower."

Louis' face flushes red at the nickname, making his tummy soar above the clouds. He flops his head onto Harry's chest, smelling the sweat and cologne there, which makes him almost go feral. An idea suddenly pops to his mind, and he grabs Harry's hands, lacing their fingers together. 

He lifts his head up to look into the deep sea-glass eyes. "Would you um... like to go on a date? With me? You can say no, I'd understand if it's a terrible idea, I know how there's like probably way more fitter guys in Hollywood n shit, but I thought, well, since you're here, and—" Louis is cut off when Harry presses his index finger into his lips. 

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