The Barista

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Hunk X Reader
Part 1-2

Ps: this story uses the reader if they were non-binary.

You went to this coffee shop every day for the last two years. The worker knew who you were and knew your order. You walk in today and see a new face working. You walk up and order your usual. You notice he keeps on glancing at you as you are waiting for your coffee/tea. "Y/N your order is ready," a voice says. You walk up to the counter and get your drink. You say thank you to the guy working and you walk out of the coffee shop."Yo Hunk you were staring at that customer for a while," a voice said. "I was not Lance," Hunk replied. "Hunk you were," Pidge said. "Ughhh so what leave me alone," Hunk replied. "So you like them," Lance responded. "What no, I just think they are pretty," Hunk added. "You sure Hunk you were very atimen in staring," Lance added. "I am going on break," Hunk said walking to the back. Lance and Pidge start to giggle knowing Hunk is flustered. You walked into your work and walked to your desk. One of your coworkers came up to your desk. "Hey, the project manager wants to talk to you," your coworkers said. "What did I do this time," you replied and walked to his office. You knock on the door and he tells you to come in. You walk in, close the door, and sit in a chair facing his desk. "I called you in here to talk about the project," your manager said."What do we need to do," you ask. "We need to get with a company that will be willing to let us advertise their product in our next photo shoot," he said. "Okay what kind of product were you thinking," you ask. "We were thinking about a drink since it is fall time and most people like to drink hot coffee or hot chocolate," he added. "I might know a coffee shop that will let us use their brand," you replied. "Okay I need you to email them about it and see what they say," your boss said.You nod and head out of his office and back to your desk. You pull up the coffee website and send an email explaining the situation. You finish the email and continue doing other work you already had. It was lunchtime and you were still working. "Y/N you need to take lunch," your coworkers said. "In a minute I need to finish this," you replied as you continued to type on the computer. You need to finish this project for your boss before the end of the day. Ten minutes have passed and you are still typing."Y/N you need to take lunch," your boss said. You groan and get up and head to the break room to get your lunch. You open the fridge and your lunch is gone. You sigh and head back to your desk. You open one of your desk drawers and you grab some snacks out of it. You start eating and go back to work. The end of the day and you are exhausted you head home and you instantly fall asleep.The next morning you drag yourself out of bed and head down to the kitchen. You make lunch and head to get dressed. You head out the door and down to the coffee shop. You enter the shop and head to the counter. It is the same guy from yesterday. You order your drink and head over to one of their tables. You have some more time this morning so you pull out your computer and start typing. You were so invested in your work you didn't even hear your name being called."Hunk, go take this to them," Lance said, handing the drink to Hunk. "Okay, why," Hunk asked. "They are so engrossed in their work they didn't hear you call their name," Lance replied. Hunk walks over to your table, and places the drink on the table. You look up and notice it is Hunk you smile and softly tell him thank you. Hunk nods quickly and walks away. You finish the email you were typing and you head out of the shop with your drink."Hunk, you need to control yourself around a pretty person," Pudge said. "Oh whatever," Hunk sulked. You got to work early and headed to your desk. You open your email and see an email from the coffee shop about your offer for the campaign. You look through the email and it explains that they would like to do this campaign if some of their workers could be in it as well. You forward the email to your boss and head to his office.You knock on the door and walk in. "I just sent you the email from the coffee shop," you said sitting down in one of the chairs. "I see that. I see no issues with using some of their workers in out campaign. As long as we get the money, and they get the business I do not care," your boss said. You nod and head out of his office. "Y/N wait," he says. You turn your head to look at him. "If you don't take lunch on time I will cut your work," your boss states. You nod your head and head back to your desk.You email the coffee shop with the final details and ask them to choose three workers for the campaign. You work on other projects for your company. Lunch rolls around and you don't really want to take lunch but you have too. You get up and walk to the break room and get your lunch which is not stolen yet. You sit down at one of the tables and eat your lunch.Your coworker comes and sits next to you. "Wow you can actually take lunch on time," she snickered in a joking way. You smile at her and laugh a bit. You finish your lunch and head back to your desk. "Y/N have you had lunch," your boss asked you. "Yes they have taken lunch," your coworkers said. Your boss nods and walks off. You work an hour of overtime to finish this project. You head home and flop on your bed and fall asleep.You got up and headed to the coffee shop. You walk up to the counter and order your drink. You smile at Hunk and sit down at one of their tables. Hunk was making your drink and he called your name. You walk up to the counter and he hands you your drink. Your fingers touch for a second and you are startled. You smile at him and quickly head out of the coffee shop.You got to work and headed to the shooting space waiting for the coffee shop and the rest of the employees to show up. You were sitting in one of the make-up chairs getting your make-up done. You were chatting when your boss walked in to ask the photographer some questions. Then he walked up to your chair. "Y/N are you okay with doing a couples photo shoot," your boss asks. "Ya sure who is it with," you ask. "He should be here in a few minutes, he is one of the coffee shop employees," your boss finished and walked away.You finish your make-up and get dressed into your outfit for the photoshoot. You take some single photos of the cup with your fall background. You took a few other photos with some other models. "Y/N I need you," your boss said. You walked over to your boss. "Yes, what is up," you ask. "This will be your partner for the photo shoot," your boss says. You look past him and see Hunk standing there. He smiles and you smile back.

Voltron x Reader Two-Three ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now