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Pidge X ReaderPart 1-2Ps This story uses the reader as if they are female.

Growing up you were always protected even though you are not the youngest. In your house there is your mom Allura, dad Lortor, oldest brother Shiro, middle brothers Lance and Keith who are twins, you, and the youngest Hunk. When you were younger your brothers didn't mind you bringing your guy friends over, but as you got older it got worse they would spy on you all the time. It got annoying to say the least. Any guy that came to your house was scared of your brothers.

Not that you wanted to date them away you were into girls not guys. Did your brothers know that no you refused to tell them? Only because they would go feral if they knew. You would not be allowed to bring anyone home. Brothers are just overprotective over their sisters because they love them. You know they are only doing it, so you don't get your heart broken or assaulted one of the two.

You wake up one morning and walk downstairs to see Shiro and Hunk in the kitchen. "Morning Y/N how did you sleep," Shiro asked. "Oh, I slept great," you replied. "Okay remember that Keith, Lance, and Hunk will not be here when you get home," Shiro said. "Yes, and remember I have a project with a partner today so they will be coming over," you remind him. "Your partner isn't a guy is it," Hunk asked. "No, they are not," you reply. Lance and Keith walk into the kitchen having a small argument as normal.

"Will you two ever stop fighting," you asked. "We are not fighting we are setting our differences," Lance explained. "Ya we were done with the argument anyways," Keith added. "Whatever you say," you replied. Your phone got a notification and you looked at it. "Oh my ride's here to school," you replied. You pick up your bag and head out the door. You know your brothers are watching you get into Pidge's car. You and Pidge have been best friends for five years. Your family knows them very well.

Pidge takes you to school but before you get out of the car Pidge kisses your cheek. You smile at her and kiss her cheek. "You know if my brothers found out we are dating you would never be allowed to come to my house ever again," you said. "Ya I know but being sneaky like this is fun," Pidge added. You and Pidge got out of the car and walked into school. You met up with your other friends and walked to class.

Your brothers were already there well except Shiro, he already graduated the year prior. Keith and Lance were seniors. You were a junior and Hunk was a sophomore. You went to your classes like normal until your math class after lunch. You are a grade above most of your class. You were talking precalculus with of course your brothers. You walk into the class like normal and find your seat. You are sitting next to this super nice guy. He would help you when you didn't understand it. He was a senior just like your brothers. Class started and everything was going great.

The guy next to you Leo passed you a note. You took the note and it said hi. You write hey back. You two kept passing notes between the two of you. Halfway through the class the teacher makes an announcement. "Some of these seats are not helping you guys learn. I am going to move a few of you around to see if that will work better. Kelly and Matt switch. Ryan and Luke switch. Macy and Tiana switch. Leo and Keith switch," the teacher finished and you were upset. Leo understood how to explain the math to you when you didn't understand it.

You had a feeling your brothers were up to something as to why the seats changed. Class ended and you waited for Leo to walk out of the class. You and Leo walked to your next class. You both have English just with different teachers. "Hey sis," Keith said, putting his arm around you. "Hey," you replied. "How was calculus," Lance asked, getting in between you and Leo. "Calculus was fine," you replied. "That is good to hear," Lance added. "We will see you later sis," Keith said.Lance and Keith walked away and you sighed with relief. "They are your brothers," Leo asked. "Ya I have four," you replied. "Wow they must be overprotective of you," Leo assumed. "You're right, any guy I bring home feels like they are interrogating him," You add. "Well I will see you later," Leo says. You wave to him and meet Pidge before you walk in. English was boring, well kind of. You were working on your project with your partner Oliver. You two matched very well and shared a lot of common interests. Well except for one thing you are both gay.

Oliver was coming over to your house after school to work on the project. "Oh Oliver just so you know my brothers are very overprotective of me so you might get interrogated by them," you said. "Do they not know you are gay," he asked quietly. "No they don't, and I don't plan on telling them," you reply. "Okay ya it's fine I am ready," Oliver said. The class was over and Pidge took Oliver and you to your house to work on the project. You open the door to your house and invite Oliver in. You put your coat on the coat rack and head into the kitchen. Shiro was in there getting coffee.

"Hey sis, how was school," Shiro asked. "School was fine, can you hand me those two water bottles? My project partner is here, and we would like to get working," you asked. Shiro hands the two water bottles to you, and you lead Oliver up into your room. "Where are your other three brothers," Olive asked as he sat on your bed and pulled out the materials for your project. "Honestly I don't know they said they were going somewhere but I don't know," you replied. After about half of an hour there was a knock on your door. You open the door to see all four of your brothers standing there.

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