The Scandal

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Keith X Reader

Part 2-3

You don't know what to do. You are pacing around your dressing room when you hear a voice. "You okay," a voice says. You turn to see Keith standing in the doorway. "Yes, I am fine please leave I need to get dressed," you replied. "No, you're not okay no one pacing around a room like that," Keith says, stepping into your room and slightly closing the door. You dread this moment. "I am fine I am just thinking now please leave," you said. "Y/N I overheard your conversation with your manager," he said. You turn to look at him.

"How you were taking photos," you asked, panicked. "They wanted to get pictures of everyone but me, so I walked over to you guys and heard your conversation," Keith said walking closer. You keep backing up as he keeps getting closer. Your back is up against a wall. Keith walks up to you and kisses you. You are shocked but kiss him back. He picks you up and pushes you softly against the wall. You break apart from him and get out of his grip. "You need to leave," you said with tears in your eyes. "Y/N want is wrong," Keith said, trying to put his hand on your shoulder. "I don't want to have to yell to get out of my dressing room," you said, getting angry.

Keith looks sad but walks out of your dressing room. A knock is heard a minute later. You look up and see your manager standing in the doorway. You look up at them with tears in your eyes. "Y/N what is wrong I heard a bit of screaming," your manager says as they wrap their arms around you. "Keith, he kissed me," you said in between sobs. "What isn't that good," they ask. "Well yes but if the public finds out they will think we are disgusting for liking guys," you said sobbing. "Who cares what others think," they added.

You look up at your manager, "it could ruin both of our careers," you added. "It isn't going to ruin anything," your manager said comforting you. You smile at them trying to be brave. "Head home and get some rest," they added. You nod and gather all of your stuff. You walk out of your dressing room and pass the shooting space when you see Voltron is still here. You hurry and get out of your car. You get in and drive home. You turn on the radio to clear your head. You give home and go to sleep.

You wake up next morning and check your phone to see dozens of tagging in a post on Instagram and message from your manager. You open the message 'Y/N check your Insta.' 'Y/N do not come to work.' 'Y/N please get these soon.' You were confused when you opened Instagram and were tagged in a photo of you and Keith kissing. It was hard to tell who you were, but it was Keith. You are shocked and you did not know who could have done this. You called your manager right away.

When they answer you said, "What are we going to do? We can't cover this up." Your manager sighs, "I know we are interviewing everyone here at the office to see if they did it, so they will be fired. I am going to give Keith your number so you can talk this out with him." You didn't want him to have your number, but you knew it was the best thing to do. "Okay give him my phone number," you said. "Okay until this is cleared up don't leave your house. We can't risk any more issues," your manager says as they hang up. You waited for Keith to call you. You started to do chores around your house waiting for him to call you.

You turned on the TV to see how bad this was. It was all over every station. People assumed it was you even though they could not see your face or anything recognizable. They were interviewing people on the streets about this, and they were only harsher as to who this was. Suddenly your phone rang from a number you didn't know. You picked up your phone and answered it. "Hello," you said. "Y/N I am so sorry I don't know who could have done this," Keith's voice said. "It isn't your fault my manager is trying to figure out who it is if it is someone in my company," you added. "I can't deny it wasn't me in the photo, but we can deny it was you," Keith suggested.

"Well, that may be true, people are not going to believe us, they live for this kind of thing," you added. "That is true," Keith said. "I guess we just wait it out until it dies down," you said. "Can I ask you something," Keith asked. "Sure," you replied. "Why did you start crying after I kissed you? If you didn't want me to kiss you. You should have pushed me off," Keith said. "It's not that I didn't want you to kiss me. I just didn't want it to affect our lives and our careers," you replied. "So, you are admitting to me you wanted to kiss me," Keith snickered. "Oh, shut up," you mumbled while blushing.

"Well, I was called by my manager I will talk to you later Y/N," Keith said, hanging up the phone. You threw your phone on the couch and went into a panic. You just told your crush, Keith, that you wanted to kiss him. You began pacing around your living room not sure what to do. You didn't realize you have been pacing for twenty minutes. You hear a voice, "No one pacing around a room like that." You turn to see Keith standing inside your house.

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