My One and Only (I Know it's Real I Can Feel it)

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Description: "Hm, I wonder why Wheeler is acting so strange today?" Max questioned, looking smug.

"Shut up, Maxine." Mike seethed beside Will, looking at the redhead with pure hatred.

If Will was honest, he didn't fully understand what was going on in this situation. By the knowing smirks and smiles it looked like everyone else caught onto something he must've missed. Or maybe Mike let them in on something that Will wasn't a part of. He hoped it wasn't the second one.

"Maybe Will knows why?" Dustin asked.

"Huh?" Will said, "Know what?"

"Nothing. Don't listen to them." Mike rushed to say.

OR: Will is asked very subtly to go on a date with a nervous Mike Wheeler. The only problem is that it is so subtle that Will doesn't quite understand that he's going on a date with the person he's in love with.

Word Count: 6,430

Date Originally Uploaded: September 4th, 2022


After the events that took place during spring break of 1986, Will Byers didn't know how to feel about anything anymore. Anytime they think it's over, it starts again. Sometimes he wishes he just died that night in November of '83.

Maybe it would've been easier if that happened. People would be alive that are now dead because they knew about the Upside Down. Max is now mostly blind because she joined the party. Her piece of shit brother is dead, Eddie Munson died in the Upside Down.

Had Will just died, instead of fighting for his life, running away from the monsters, none of this would've happened. His mother wouldn't have looked for him as fervently. His friends would've just assumed the body they saw was his.

Because he fought, his friends knew he was still alive, and they were exposed to this secret as well. He can't help but feel he gave everyone in his life trauma as well. Trauma that none of them can escape from, no matter how hard they try.

It was now November 6th, 1986 and Will feels awful, just as he always does around the anniversary. It's been three years already and nothing has felt normal since then. Then again, when has Will Byers ever felt normal?

Every day of his life he's always felt like there's something wrong with him. His bullies saw that, his father saw it, everyone saw it. It's the reason he found himself crying next to Mike Wheeler in a shitty pizza van.

Will Byers was in love with his painfully straight best friend. His friend of 10 years. He knew these feelings were wrong, so he tried his best to shut them out every single day of his life, ever since he met the boy.

Boys don't like boys.

It was a basic rule of the world. If you like boys you're wrong, you're weird. You can get hurt for it, killed even. In the small town of Hawkins, Indiana it wasn't safe to like boys, and he's known that ever since he started school, maybe even before that.

He didn't know how the bullies realized it before Will even did, and he hated himself when he realized they were right.

However, after everything that's happened with the demogorgon, the mindflayer, vecna; Will finds himself caring less and less. This world is so absolutely shitty, and he's almost died like 50 times anyways. Will Byers is gay, so fucking what? How does that matter in the grand scope of everything?

He told himself he'd tell other people, but it's easier said than done. For so long it's been this big secret that only he knows. It feels wrong and uncomfortable for someone else to have access to that information. It was the secret of all secrets, one that he couldn't even tell his best friend since kindergarten. Because if Mike Wheeler finds out he likes boys, it wouldn't be too long until he connects the dots.

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