Is it Too Much? (Wanting to See You Blush)

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Description: "Oh, really Mike? Just admit it, you're in love with me." Will said, his tone making it abundantly clear that he was joking. Even if he secretly wasn't. Mike wouldn't know the difference, anyways. Dustin and Lucas said shit like this to each other all the time, just to annoy each other. It was just a funny little joke.

Except it didn't have the same reaction out of Mike. Will saw the boy go completely still, and he began to fear the worst. Mike knew of Will's freakish crush on him, or that he was gay. He looks so uncomfortable, holy shit.

Then he notices the redness that is now engulfing Mike's whole face. His eyes were wide and he looked stunned by the words that came out of Will's mouth. Will was about to speak, stumble out an apology, but the words died off when Mike finally spoke again.

OR: Will unintentionally starts flirting with Mike... only to receive something unexpected: Mike Wheeler is blushing and he's nervous. Naturally, Will wants to investigate this further. He may take it a bit too far.

Word Count: 4,855

Date Originally Posted: November 6th, 2022

A/N: Happy Stranger Things Day everyone!!!! (this was posted on ST Day lol)

I told myself I would chill for a little before writing another Byler fic... but i saw the tik tok user @lesbylerian make a video that said Will would say to Mike "admit it, you're in love with me" and I RANNNNNN with it.

Enjoy :)


He didn't mean it.

Ok... so maybe he did. But Mike didn't know that. It kinda just sprung out of Will's thoughts and out his mouth, and he played it off as a joke. He couldn't be responsible for how Mike took it afterwards, right? Plus, wasn't this a good thing? If Mike responds badly to it, then Will knows where he stands. Easy enough.

Here's the scene: They were currently hanging out at Will's house, a month after they officially beat and killed Vecna. All of them came out of it okay, alive at least. No one came out of it unscathed; everyone will have some mental or physical scarring forever. Max is in physical therapy, and she'll be blind forever, but she is still here and that's what matters the most. She swears up and down it's okay, but Will always has a sneaking suspicion that she's putting on a brave face like she always has. Lucas is there for her a lot; Will thinks that the two of them were meant to be with each other. They seem to have genuine care for each other, it's real.

Unfortunately, El and Mike weren't meant to be. They had basically broken up as soon as they returned to Hawkins, after their first attempt at stopping Vecna. Will was surprised, especially since he only heard weeks after the fact from Dustin of all people. It was so casual too, the ex-couple only shrugging it all off, while Will was shell-shocked.

Which, to be fair, is a weird reaction to have when you find out the boy you're in love with has broken up with his girlfriend. In Will's mind, the pair were perfect for each other, or he assumed so. Sure, they were lying to each other a lot, but they did care for one another. Anyways, Will had no illusions of being with Mike. Mike wasn't like that, he was normal. So for Will, Mike being with his sister who he loved was great. They were two of his favorite people, them being in love and getting married and having kids just seemed like a given.

Now, Will isn't quite sure anymore how to view Mike. It was so easy to hide his feelings from Mike when he had a girlfriend, when he was with Will's sister of all people. What do you do after that? For a while Will had been scared shitless that Mike wouldn't need Will anymore after he broke up with El. Ever since he had touched down in California, it was constantly about El. Anytime Mike engaged in conversation it was for relationship advice and it scared him thinking about the future. They had nothing else to talk about now.

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