It's You (You're the One that I Want)

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Description: Lucas's advice seemed sound, but he was still a little lost, "Wait, I don't have to say it's a date?"

Lucas shook his head, "Remember? Chill. You just have to flirt a bit and he'll pick up what you're putting down. The lovey dovey confessions can come afterwards when you're alone together, after you kiss."

Mike's whole face turned red at the prospect of him and Will kissing. But Lucas's advice did help him feel more relieved at asking Will out on a date. He didn't have to say the true extent of his feelings today, he just had to ask out the boy subtly.

OR: Lucas gives advice to Mike on how to ask Will out on a date once the party knows about his feelings. The only thing is, Lucas didn't realize that since the two had been best friends for 10 years and they were both boys, Mike needed to be a bit more clear that this hang out would not be platonic.

Word Count: 7,631

Date Originally Posted: September 11th, 2022

A/N: Hi! This is a second part to my other story. You don't have to read both versions and you don't have to read the other one before this one. It is roughly a lot of the same dialogue, but the first part is Will's POV and this version is Mike's! This version is a bit longer, since we see more how Mike went through the day, trying to work up his courage to confess. Either way I hope you enjoy this one because for some reason I love writing from Mike's POV (He's just like me fr).

So to clarify, this is the same story as the last part, but from Mike's POV :)


Mike Wheeler knew he fucked up as soon as the words came out of his mouth. Truly, he didn't mean to be so revealing of his feelings when he had said it. Of course he wouldn't try to out himself to his friends, because what if they didn't accept it?

Well, he should clarify that it was his friends minus Will Byers. If Will had just been here, none of this would've happened! He wouldn't have done a classic Mike Wheeler move and blurt out shit he didn't mean to say. Well, it wasn't really 'shit', it was just the truth.

It had started two hours before their planned hangout at Mike's house. They were going to play board games, maybe watch a movie, he didn't know yet. The whole party was planning on coming, that is until Will called saying he was now in trouble with his mom. Apparently Joyce grounded Will for his room being too messy.

Anyways, finding out Will wasn't coming right before their plans were to start soured Mike's mood. The whole party noticed it that whole night, but tried not to mention it. That was until Mike's comments were starting to get on their nerves.

"It would be so much better if Will was here. None of you guys are funny." Mike crossed his arms. The rest of the group had been laughing at Mike for being babied by his mom, who had come in earlier and made a fuss over him and his friends.

"Of course he'd say that." Lucas said, shaking his head.

"Say what? It's true!" He rolled his eyes.

"C'mon Mike, we all know you prefer Will. At least try to act like you enjoy the rest of our company for the night." Said Dustin, laughing at him.

Mike felt himself turning red, if only they knew just how true it was, "Yeah, whatever."

"Ouch. I think you struck a nerve there, Henderson." Max chimed in, looking absolutely delighted to join in on teasing Mike. In fact, she usually led the way in these endeavors.

"Nope. I'm not hearing it from you today." Mike spat out.

"Where's Byers' anyways? Does he have a hot date or something?" Max said as a joke. The implication of it though made Mike completely freeze in place. Shit. What if he was on a date? No, Will wouldn't lie like that, right? Still the idea of him with some girl annoyed him a lot.

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