Chapter 5 / The Note

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Ruby's POV:
I woke up on a bed, not my bed, but Annabeth's, I glance over and see a note, "Annabeth left me a note?"
Dear Ruby,
I am very sorry about the cut on your cheek, that I made,-
As I read this and I suddenly remember what happened and I touch my cheek relizing that it was bandaged up, I continue reading
- but I just don't think that you would understand, I know what your thinking, ' but i do understand, ' well maybe you will understand in time, please don't look for me, you will only get yourself hurt.
- Annabeth Bruce
"Why would she do that?!" Ruby said in a loud and terified voice

Annabeth's POV:
I saw my best friend lying there, I didn't even know why I cut her on the cheek, I mean she didn't do anything wrong. But as I was sitting there, tangled in my thoughts, I decided that I had to at least explain myself in a note, and bandage her new wound on her cheek, I picked up Ruby, and walked over to my window, I opened my window from the outside, knowing that if I went through the front I was sure to have questions from my mom, witch would not be the greatest thing in my situation, so I opened the window from the outside, I keep my window unlocked so I can clime in and out without a problem, I throw Ruby on the bed and I clime in, my bed is right beside the window so it was easy, I keep a first aid kit in my closet just in case I get hurt And can't walk around to much, so I pick up the dusty old first aid kit, and walk over to Ruby, I noticed how deep the cut was.

"Dameit, she is going to need some stitches," I said this out loud, not knowing that my mother was right behind me, I turn and see her frightful face, staring st me, with those brown eyes that no one could forget. I smiled my biggest grin, knowing what I had to do, I walked over to my frightful, and now trembling mother, I grab her by the shoulder, and pull myself to her hight, and I lean in close to her ear and say,

"Did you know that if you hit someone hard enough in their temple, that they die instantly?" After I said this I kicked her in the back of the leg with my knee, and once she falls, I run over to my night stand were I had placed my knife, I pick up my knife by the handle, and run back over to my mother that is now lying on the floor, waiting to be killed, I pick her up by the shirt, and make her turn her head towards me, I say one last thing to her,

"Why didn't you love my picture? Or at least liked it a little bit? I never did anything wrong. Did I? I -" I was cut off by my mother saying,

"YES! YOU DID DO SOMTHING WRONG! YOU IDIOT! YOU WERE BORN!" When she said the the anger, and rage inside me that I had built up for so long, burst out, I couldn't keep talking to her, I took my knife, held it up in the air, and swung the back of the handle strait for my moms temple, I hit the her temple as hard as I could, my mom let out a small yelp before she fell on the floor lifeless, I new I had to do somthing with the body, before Ruby woke up, so I draged my moms corpse outside, and threw her off the deck, into a pile of sticks I had set up for her body anyway, I was planing on killing her so every thing went according to plan anyway, it was night now, and I new Ruby was going to wake up in a few hours, so I go ahead and start the fire, let it burn for about two hours before I new that her body was now unrecognizable, so I put the fire out, and walk back inside, I walk into my room and see that Ruby pulled the blanket over herself. 'She must have thought this was her room' I thought to myself, I walk over to the 'sleeping beauty' and I take the first aid kit, I pull out a cloth, some alcohol, some stitches, and a bandade that is big enough for her cheek, I take the cloth and put some alcohol on the cloth, I lay the cloth gentaly on her cheek, trying not to disturb her to much, even though I know itwould hurt like hell for Ruby, I press the cloth down on her cheek with a little more pressure, and she starts to move around and try to hit my hand that is holding the cloth, I take her hand and lay it back gently on the bed, and continue to wibe the blood off her cheek, I take another dry cloth and wipe the alcohol and blood more efficiently off her cheek, I pick up the stitches and say,

"I'm sorry Ruby this is going to hurt like hell in the morning," I had thought to myself, ' just remember what you did last time' my mom had come home one day with a big gash in her arm, and I ran over to her got the first aid kit as fast as I could, and got to work, it was like I new exactly what to do with out anybody telling me, I remembered this and then got to work on Ruby's cheek, Ruby kept moving once I had pirced the skin, I had to stop each time she did this, and so it took a lot longer than expected, but once I finally got done, I took one more wipe and wiped ovet the surface of her cheek one more time, I took the bandade big enough for her cheek and placed it gentaly on her cheek, I looked at my sleeping friend, and decided to right another note explaining how to clean her stiches to avoid infection, and then I remembered that I was going to right another note explaining myself, so I walk over to my desk and take my time, and think through what I am going to right about, and so I do, and then once I got done with that, I wrote my directions for cleaning your stiches note...

Ruby's POV:
I decided to go to the bath room and I walk out the door expecting to see Annabeth's mom, but I don't see her anywere, I suspect that she went to the store and so I go and turn my attention towards the bath room, and I see another note taped to the door, and it reads...

Dear Ruby,
I am pretty sure you have seen my other note, but if you haven't then go back and look at the night stand, when you
Walk in here you will see a variety of medical tools to help with your stiches...

I stop reading and touch my cheek again, I realize now that it actually feels as though it is burning, I continue reading,

- you are going to want to take your banded off slowly, it's going to hurt alot, but this is nothing compared to what you are going to need to do later, now you are going to need to take the cloth, pour the alcohol on the cloth and press the cloth to your stiches, this is going to hurt like hell, but your just going to have to tough it out, and then after you do this take the second cloth to your right, and get it wet with some water and try to wipe the alcohol off your stiches, after this you need to take the third cloth, keep it dry, and press down on the stitches, after you do these steps you need to take the bandade to your left, and put it on your stiches, you need to do do this once a day to prevent infection for the next 3 days,

- Annabeth Bruce

I do exactly what Annabeth told me to do, and after words it feels alot better, and yet it feels kind of sore, but I guess that's normal, after I'm done with my stitches I look back at the note I sat down beside me, when I was doing the stiches, and I read it back over trying to find clues as to were she mite be, and I can't find any, I was close to losing all hope to find her, until it hits me,

"Of course! She has to be there!"...

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