Chapter 6 / Here I Am,

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Ruby's POV:

I run as fast as I can through the hallway and out the door, 'She has to be there, SHE HAS TO BE!' I thought to myself, I remember when I was in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade, I was bullyed and Annabeth had told me that she was sure to kill them when she was older, and she told me this last year when I was in 6th grade, Annabeth is in 6th grade right now, so I didn't think she was serious about killing them, but since she killed that man, I am pretty sure that she will have no troble killing my bully, I am in 7th grade now, and my bully has not stoped, I didn't want to tell her because I new that she would make a big deal out of it, and probably beat the living shit out of him, and I didn't want that kind of attention, because I remember one time she found out about my bully, and in the middle of the day she walked up to my classroom knowing that my bully was in there as well, and she walked over to my bully and pulled him out of his seat, threw him down on the floor, kicked him as hard as she could, at least 3 times before she stopped and bent down on one knee and pulled him by his shirt up to her face,

"If I ever find out you bully Ruby again, you won't live to see another sunrise, " Annabeth had chuckled after saying this to the boy and after she chuckled for a bit, she punched him right in the face as hard as she could and his nose started bleeding, every body was in shock, except for me, I seemed to like to watch people, get hurt, and it was no suprize that Annabeth did that I mean she is pretty violent, but I couldn't get past the fact that at that time, it did not bother me that I had liked to whatch people get hurt, I got very mad at my self and almost went insane, but Annabeth helped me keep my humanity, but my bully knowing that he just got beat up by a girl, made him pretty mad, so the bullying did not stop, but I new that Annabeth had to be going to the bullys hide out spot, because I remember her saying that she had followed them to there hide out and new exactly were they go at night so that when she is old enough, she would kill them, and so I had to find there hide out, I actually do not care if she does kill my bully and his gang, I just wanted to know if she was alright, I mean I know she would be alright aginst the gang, I mean she us pretty tall for her age, I just want to know if she is ok.

So I remember that she said that there hide out was somewere on Mainstreet, so I run as fast as I can in my black flats, and don't even get me started on this white dress and tites, but I didn't care, I had to find Annabeth! I keep running and suddenly I hear a voice, it was late at night, so not many people were out so I suspected that it was Annabeth, I stop running and slow down I walk closer to the sound snd hear...

"I thought I told you that if you ever harm, or bully Ruby again, or that you would never see another sunrise," Annabeth said in a calm voice, I peak around the corner and see that all the reast of the gang was already dead, snd I also notice a huge gash in Annabeth's arm, and I also notice that she has the main bully cornered,

"Please! Just let me go! Please!!!!" The main bully pleads with Annabeth, to try and let him go,

"I belive I have already given you a chance to redeem yourself," Annabeth said this in a cold and emotionless voice, as she raised the knife in the air,

"Annabeth? Can I do it?" I walk around the corner and step towards Annabeth with my hand out, she askes me...

"Are you sure? After you kill someone, there's no going back," Annabeth turns around and looks at me with confused eyes.

"If I wasn't sure, why would I be asking you?" I said in a sarcastic voice, and with a grin on my face,

"Alright then," Annabeth hands me her huge knife and steps out of the way, I raise the knife in the air and swing it down as hard as I can, through the bullys chest, I feel his blood pour in my finger tips, and I want more, I dig the knife deeper into his chest and more blood pours out, I rip the knife out of his chest and let him fall to the ground lifeless, I look at my white dress and see that there is blood on it, I laugh, and look over to Annabeth, she has a smile on her face, and I say...

"Here I am,"

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