Chapter 4 / Telling Someone

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Annabeth was sitting in the white parked truck with Ruby, her and Ruby always loved sitting in the truck together and talk about random things,
"So were we're you last night? I thought we were going to go to the movies,"
"I couldn't go, I had to go for a walk to clear my head," Annabeth had chuckled after saying this
"Do you want to know what happened?" Annabeth asked with a wide grin on her face,
"Well, yeah of course I do!" The blond impatient girl was practicly bouncing in her seat,
"Well, as you know it was raining last night, so that was good to wash the blood off my hoodie," Annabeth said this in a calm and heartless voice.
"What?" Ruby said almost as if she was suprized,
"Let me sumerize it for you, I killed somebody, because they were mugging someone else," Annabeth said this in a soft, but calm voice,she was almost talking as though it was just another topic of the day,
"Your joking with me!" Ruby said happily, thinking she found the answer,
"No. I'm not." Annabeth said in a cold and serious voice,
"Your. Not. Joking. Are. You?"
"No. I'm not," Annabeth said in a low toned voice,
"Well why didn't you come and get me!? We could have gone killing together!" Ruby said in a loud voice,
"I'm not joking Ruby~"Annabeth said in a soft voice,
"Ohhhh, I thought if I said that, you would confess,"
"I've already told you a billion times, I'm not joking,~"Annabeth said in a cold voice,
"What? Are you scard of me?"Annabeth asked in a sad voice,
"N-no" Ruby said while studdering,
"I'm sorry," as Annabeth said this she swung her knife that she was hiding in her sleave at Rubys face, she cut Ruby on the cheek and as this was happening Ruby fell backwards and hit her head on the door, and passed out, Annabeth looked atbher friend and sighed.

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