Chapter 13 / HELP!!!

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Annabeth's POV:

"RUBY!!!!!" I bend down and see blood running down her forehead, I don't try and shake her, for I know that that will do no good, and her eyes are still open, so I close her eyes so she can conserve energy, I shake her a little bit trying to get her conscious again, I don't know why but I keep yelling,

"RUBY!!! WAKE UP!!!! WAKE UP!!!" Apparently, someone heard my yells because a man came running in with a first aid kit, I move out of the way and give the man room, he had on a blue mask, with what looked like black tar coming from the eye sockets, he also had on a black hoodie, with a pair of black geans and black shoes, I see how he opens the first aid kit quickly and he starts to get out cloth, rags, water, and anything else he mite need, and he starts doing his handy work,

After he is done he turns to me and says, "You are going to have to Clean..." I cut him off by saying,

"I know how to clean a wound, don't worry," I say in a stern voice,

"Well alright then, I guess my work here is done." As he said this he got all of his supplies and stars to head for the door,

"Wait, what is your name?" I ask this with a stern voice, he stops and turns around after I said this,

"My name, my name is Eyeless Jack. You can call me Jack, or EJ for short," after he said this he walked out side of the door and walked out into the hallway, I turn to Ruby and pick her up and place her on her bed, I now notice that this room is also her room from before it all happened, I remember all the sleepovers we used to have, and all the games we used to play, and I sigh,

"Things were so much simpler back then," I say in a quiet voice.

I decide to stay with Ruby for the night just in case she wakes up and askes questions about her head, I pull up a chair next to her bed and sit down, I soon get lost in thought.

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