Chapter 7 / Were to Next?

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Annabeth's POV :
I stand there, shocked at the site of my best friend actually killing someone, but I was not suprized for some reason, it was actually very entertaining, I mean I always loved the site of blood, but I never thought Ruby would actually kill someone, I stand there smiling at the site of her plunging the knife into his chest, without any remorse, and a smile on her face, after she rips the knife out of his chest, and he falls to the ground lifeless, she turns to look at me, and says...

"Here I am," I grinned and said,

"Were do you want to go now?" I asked with a calm voice, I was waiting anxiously for her answer, when suddenly I see a cat run up to Ruby and purr against her leg, it was a black cat with a white dimond shape on it's head, I was actually kind of worried for the cat because Ruby had just got done with killing someone so she must be craving more blood. And this cat was full of it, but instead of her slicing it's neck with the knife, she bends down and picks up the cat with ease, and pets it's head softly, Ruby had always had a connection with animals, I usually frightend them, I also frightend people,

"How about we go find a place to sleep? I am exhausted," Ruby said with a tireing voice,

"That's a good idea," I said with a soft and calm voice,

Me and Ruby walked down the sidewalk in the opposite direction in witch we came. Ruby still had the black and white cat, cuddled in her arms,

"Are we keeping that thing?" I asked in a sceptical voice, she replied saying

"OF CORSE WE ARE! Why not?" Her demener changed very rapedly witch suprized me, we kept walking and to break the silance she said,

"What do you want to name it?" I pondered this question for awhile before answering,

"How about White Diamond? You know, like to symbolize the white diamond on it's head. White for short," I frankly thought this was a stupid name, but Ruby replied as to saying,

"I LOVE IT!" She said this in a very loud voice, as luck has it we were in the woods, so nobody could have herd us, or could they?

We both snapped our heads around only to find a little girl following us, I was baffled at the site of this little girl, she was in a horrible condition, she had a head of messy long brown hair, a pink dress that was covered in stanes and blood, no shoes, and her forehead was covered in blood, as if there was a wound there, a wound a girl her age could have never survived...

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