Chapter 2- Devi's day out with frends

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Devi was hanging out with her friends. She got permission to stay out all day with her college friends as her parents think that she is becoming very serious by only studies.

Her elder cousins tell that she is becoming dumb day by day and a tube light also for being a book worm.

She seriously sometimes couldn’t catch their jocks and comments. And obviously her Rahi Tai and dear brothers makes fun of her. Another addition to the gang is Sai didi, her Tai’s BFF and her uncle’s friend Kamal uncle’s daughter.

Last those two girls told her she is getting boring day by day by staying in home and reading books. So she decided she will hang out with her friends to show them that she also can have fun.

But now she is regretting she was better being their object of teasing than being interviewed and interrogated by her curious friends and classmates about her hot shot brother Virat Dada. 

She knows her brother is handsome, charming, successful, CEO of their companies in one word one of the most eligible bachelor of country. Here boys are envious for his good looks, excellent academic career, intelligence, Charmin personality and success as CEO of one of the multinational group at age of 28 only. While all the girls go gaga over him.

Its not easy to be little sister of the person about whom everyone wants to know. So here she is bombarding with questions after questions about him. They are asking about his pet name, favourite color, preferred food, brand of his perfume, toothpaste, shower gel and what not. What kinds of questions are these!!

Finally her best friend Kaishma who  considered her Virat Dada also as a brother for being their neighbour also came to her rescue and said “enough questions about Virat Dada girls. I am feeling hungry and sure so does Devi. Lets eat something.” 

One of the girls Asha asked “Karishma how came you call The VC as a brother? How can you think? He is too hot to be think like that except his own sisters.” Devi gave her a disgusting look while Karishma answered “because he treats me like his sister like Rahi Didi and Devi. He is my elder rother’s best friend and I tied him rakhi from my childhood. We stay just next door and I consider him as a brother from childhood.” 

 Soon they entered in a classy expensive restaurant. Along with Devi there were maximum  girls who were born with a platinum spoon in their mouth so they could afford it. They went to a corner as they were a large group of 10 girls.

The corner they were little seculated and opposite to them were some private cozy bubble like places were made for couples or for business meetings who wants little privacy. 

Obviously the sophisticated atmosphere tamed them a little and they started to whisper one by one about their curiosities and opinion about Virat Nind Chavan. Suddenly one girl who got up to go to loo grasp and in a excited tone said “oh my god…..Oh My God ….. Virat Chavan is here only.”

Everyone is shocked when Devi and Krishma together said “Virat Dada here?” they looked towards the direction of the girl was looking and saw Virat seating in one such cozy private bubble in a casual jeans, a full sleeve tee with a hoody. The hoody was covering his head and few portions of his face from maximum portion of the restaurant thought from where they were looking he was clear like day light. It was a rear sight actually. 

People are actually habituated to see him in his 3 piece or 5 piece business suit mainly. His casual wears are only meant for home, vacation or for hangout with his friends and family.

But Devi was shocked to see him using hoody he generally don’t like them until he need to hide himself for some prank or surprise. As soon as the thought came an idea popped up in her mind “does her brother want to hide his face? But why? And what the hell is he doing in the restaurant in casuals fidgeting with his phone with a smile in working hour instead of office either doing paperwork or attending meetings or doing presentations or meeting clients? 

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