Chapter -3 Shocking Discovery and sudden alliance

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But Devi was shocked when she saw a smiling Sai reached to her brother from back  hugged his neck, pulled the hoody from his head and kissed his chick. She was more shocked when Virat smiled, got up from his place and hugged her tightly in his arm. He looked here and there but couldn’t see anyone as the place they were sitting were not clearly visible from their place and dipped his face to her. He kissed her forehead, chicks and then took her for a passionate lip lock. After sometimes the couple sat in the sofa of the bubble snuggling to each other. 

Devi’s friends accused her “why didn’t you tell us he has a girlfriend?” she only answered “I didn’t know. Infect no one knows.” Karishma said “isnt that Sai Didi Chasmish?” Devi glared at Sabi for spilling her pet name her cousns gave her for wearing a spects from childhood in front of the gang but thankfully they didn’t gave any attention. She finally told “indeed its Sai didi. Hay Ganpati Bappa Mr. Kharush Chavan and Miss Superfast express Joshi are having an affair. No one will believe me in home if I tell them.” 

Karishma smiled naughtily and said “why tell show them. Todays phones have cameras and your tech-savvy brother gifted you a mobile with excellent camera last Rakhi. Let use it.” Devi was exited at the idea first but soon her face fall to remember she doesn’t know all functions of her phone. But Karishma noticed she told “give me your phone I am going to take pictures. Later you gave it to Ashwini aunty she will show the pictures for you.” 

Devi smiled and gave her phone to Karishma. Later Virat and Sai got up from their place. He hugged her, kissed her passionately and after a peck in her head left the place leaving her there. 

Soon a couple came to meet her. They spend some time and later Sai left the place to let the couple to enjoy the bubble. Devi was again shocked to see the man as its Akash Sigh who doesn’t like Joshi Family infect hates amal uncle and Alka Aunty. What the hell he was doing with Sai? The  interaction of Akash and Sai were not like of enemies or people who hates. They hugged, Akash patter Sai’s head affectionately like her brothers do to her. 

Finally she thought about Virat and Sai only and thought to blackmail her Virat dada and Sai Didi a little with this information to not to tease her before reviling to their family.

She came to home and saw lots of people there. Oh she forgot her Ninad Kaka planned a get together of his friends and their family tomorrow so few of them came that day already. She saw Kamal Uncle, Alka Aunty Who are Sai’s parents, Sailesh Uncle, Vaishali  Aunty and their daughter Patralekha; Rahi Tai’s boyfriend better to say fiance (though they didn’t had official engagement yet) Piyush Jiju, his parents Rajesh uncle and Anjali aunty all seating together. These group is a very close group and considered as family more than friends. 

Bhabani, Sonali, Ashwini, Alka and Anjali were serving tea and snacks. Obviously Mohit was playing listening music in his phone, Rahi and Piyush  were sitting together whispering in low voice while Patralekha was busy with her phone and looking towards her parents time to time. 

When she entered Kamal uncle came to her and pat her head while Alka and Anjali aunty hugged her. Rahi and Piyush didn’t fail to pull her leg but this time instead of being irritated she smiled as she knew she will get back to her Tai soon with the piece of information she has.

Suddenly Sailesh came sat near Nagesh and called all elders of Chavan House. It is their family tradition that all six of them together will take any siacision regarding family and kids. When all of them sat he said “Nagesh Dada, Bhabani Bahini actually I have a proposal. We all are family friends all our kids grew up together now they are in marriageable age so why not think about keep it  among ourselves. I am actually thinking about Patralekha and Virat. We know Virat from childhood we saw him to grow up and so do you saw our Pakhi. So why not we get them married instead of going for unknown.”

Ninad looked towards Kamal who was also looking towards him. They had a wish to turn their friendship in family relationship but seeing their children fight like cat and dog whenever they meet they had to leave the idea. Actually whole family love Sai as their own specially Nagesh and Bhabani as she practically grown up by Bhabani like other Chavan kids. So Nagsh and Bhabani also wanted Sai to bring to this family permanently. But Virat and Sai’s childish fights didnt let them to keep their hope high. 

Kamal gave him a nod and then Ninad looked towards Vaishali and Patralekha who were looking towards him with hope. He looked towards all of the Chavan elders and without words ask his elder brother to take chage of the situation. Nagesh looked towards those hopeful eyes and then said “Sailesh can I tall in private with my family for few minutes?” he obviously nodded in yes and the thre elderly couple left to discuss. 

Rahi Piyush and Mohit looked towards Patralekha while Devi closed her eyes and prayed to Ganpati Bappa that her parents, uncles and aunts say no. Its not like she doesn’t like Patralekha if it was yesterday she heard the proposal she would have been happy but not now as she knew her brother loves Sai Didi. How can she let it happen with her Virat dada who thought treated her like kid and sometimes teased her but always protected her and showered love and Sai didi who may make fun of her but also supports her, helps her and she knew loves her. 

She prayed to her bappa to save their love. Sometimes later all elders came out there and looked towards them. Nagesh told “Sailesh actually we yet not though about Virat’s marriage so it was a surprise to us. We never talked with Virat also about this. So don’t know his thoughts regarding marriage and his future plans also. We need to talk to him which we will do. If he agrees then we don’t have any problem.” 

Vaishali said “Thank God. Virat always listens you two so its nearly 80% sure.” On the other hand Rahi and Mohit went to Patralekha and teased her “So Pakhi if Virat agrees then we need to call you bahini haa. So you like our Bro? Oye hoye blussing” on the other hand Vaishali started to plan the marriage already. 

She couldn’t let it happened she need to save her Virat dada, Sai didi and their relationship. She couldn’t take it anymore when Rahi again called Patralekha as Pakhi Bahini. The clam and quite Devi literally screamed “no never. She is Pakhi Tai and will always be only that.” She then turned towards her parents and tell “please Aai Baba don’t do this to Virat Dada. Please kaka kaku dont do this. He will not be happy. But he deserves to be happy.” 

All were visibly shocked but Ninad somehow found his voice few minutes back and said “don’t worry Devi we will not do anything against your Virat dada’s wish. We will just talk to him.” Devi said “no need he will never agree.” 

Patralekha pulled Devi and asked “Devi don’t you like me?” Devi shook her head and said “I like you but you can’t be my bahini.” Vaishali couldn’t take it anymore and said “why can’t Devi? What’s wrong with that?” before Devi can say anything Bhabani said “Vaishali she is child. We will talk to Virat and let you know tomorrow.”  That was the end of the conversation. Soon Abdullah family left for their relative’s house where they will stay for the day. 

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