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I stuff a fluffy blanket into my pack, forcing it in with the rest of my shit, "Are you having a midlife crisis or something?"

 I turn and look at Emery glaring, "First of all, in order to have a midlife crisis I need to be in my 30s. Second of all, no." I grumble matter-of-factly and set my back onto the floor beside my bed keeping it propped up as I bend down tying the laces of my boots.

"Come on Ely, somethings up. Why're you doing this shit so suddenly?" He asks leaning against the doorframe,

 I look up at him and shrug. "You only live once, right?" I stand up and swing my bag over my shoulder.

"I'll be back in a month." I say, slapping my apartment keys in his hand and glare at him.

"Don't fuck my place up, or I will cut your dick off." I point a finger at him and with that I left my flat. Walking down the dull halls of the apartment building I sigh, how'd I let my life get this far in the shitter?

I let out a squeak when I'm knocked on the floor right next to the elevator, dinging my head on the metal door's I let out a groan. "Woah dude sorry! Are you okay?"

I take the strangers hand when it was shoved in my line of sight, and he helps me up onto my feet. I look up at him and stifle a laugh, he had granola bits on the corners of his mouth as he smiles at me.

"I'm okay, should've been watching where I was walking, sorry." I apologize and give him a smile in return. He shakes his head, his curly mop of red hair bouncing with the movement.

"I'm Johnny and this is Backpack." He introduces himself...and the bag... I watch as he spins around showing off the brightly colored, and quite frankly bad smelling, bag on his back full of items dinging with the turn.

"So, you're going hiking too I assume?" I ask and he snickers with a wave of his hand,

"No, no, no. I'm going on a 'totally cool and awesome cross-country amazefest-venture' you should totally come dude!" He stretches his hands across in front of him as he said the weird name for his trip like he was painting a picture of what he said, I laugh and shake his suggestion off as a joke.

"Nah, I'm a wimp. The most I'll do is hike up a mountain, not climb it." I shrug out, he claps a hand on my shoulder as we walk into the elevator together.

"No seriously! Come, it'll be totally rad. Dude and dudette on an epic excursion." He says, his eyes squinted as he waves in front of us with his hand, I give an awkward laugh gripping the strap of my bag.

"You do know this isn't—" I stop mid-sentence when he spins his head to look at me,

"Come on! I could use a partner, please." He begs, looking at me with big brown puppy eyes, I let out a defeated sigh and nod, my shoulders slumping. "Alright."

He pumps the air with his fist, doing a little dance, "Yes!"


I look behind me as Johnny falls off the mountain, we were only a couple of feet up, but it looked like it hurt.

"Johnny!" I shout when I hear him scream as he falls, groaning coming from the dark ground where he landed.

"I'm coming down!" I yell down as I panic and make my way down, my rope snagging and pulling my waist against the rocks, I let out a gasp on pain from the sudden lurch forward before looking down.

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