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Johnny grins as he covers the lower half of his face with is arm, "Beware, for you are in my power. I command you to be the werewolf man!" Johnny says using a Romanian accent to further act like Dracula. 

Drac throws his head up and howls like Wayne would, "I have too many kids." he says mocking a grim expression, Both men break out in a fit of laughter.

"Someone scratch me, I have fleas." Dracula whined like Wayne, we walk out of Drac's room laughing.

"Cause he's a wolf, he gets those." Johnny says ruining the joke a little.

"No, no. Don't explain it. It's not funny when you do that." Dracula cackles out patting Johnny's back, I smile at the men getting along for the first time since the tables.


I stand in the background of the large party with a sigh. I really didn't wanna leave, I finally felt actual happiness here, a type I haven't ever experienced in my lifetime. It felt like I could actually breathe and be the me I really want to be around these people, I felt refreshing.

 I smile seeing Johnny having fun dancing listening to Frank, Murray and Wayne sings. I grab a drink; I really didn't know if it was something monsters drank or if it was normal punch but who cares.

I take a sip and was hit with a fruity taste before a sour after taste. I cringe and set it down looking as a whishing sound comes towards me. I look up as Mavin appears in front of me, clad with a new clean smelling suit, a cape laying atop his shoulders and flowing down past his ankles. I smile at him as he takes my hand bringing me closer to his body.

"You look gorgeous." He whispers and leans closer to me, I force a distance but let him keep a hold on my hand. I couldn't let him do this to himself, I wouldn't let myself go through the heartbreak of losing someone I love again. His eyes flicker slightly before he perks up again.

"Thanks for the party," He mumbles looking around at the flashy lights.

"Oh, yeah, Johnny did most of the stuff you see. You like my little touches though?" I grin as a sparkle of light passes us, I pulled a bargain with fireflies, surprisingly they speak? He gasps softly and his eyes follow the glow. A whole display of places me and Johnny travels thrown before his eyes in one spot.

"Johnny helped me with it, we thought you'd like it." I say a bit sheepishly, his eyes fill with joy when he sees 'haweewee'.

"It's amazing." He breathes and turns to look back at me, I feel my heart fill with joy at his expression as he smiles at me. He holds a steady hand out to me as he straightens up, one hand behind his back, standing in a gentleman pose. I giggle and slide my hand in his again, he spins me around before pulling me to him.

"Dance with me beautiful?" He whispers into my ear; I felt a shiver run down my spine as the hairs on my arm stand up in goosebumps. I lean into him as he cups our hands together and sways me to the beat, his breathing matching mine as his heart races just the same. Our dancing didn't match the fast tempo of the song and yet I didn't seem to feel awkward or stand-outish. I felt at peace in this moment, like it was him and I in the room alone. 

He pulls away and dips me before slowly bringing me up, his hands sliding up my back to rest between my shoulder blades. I look at him with lidded-eyes and a happy smile, he grins down at me as he removes a hand and places it on my jaw.

"You're absolutely glowing right now, darling." He whispers as he leans his face in closer to mine, a soft delicate smile on his face.

"You're not too bad yourself," I return the compliment, he chuckles and rolls his deliciously dark eyes at me. I feel his cold breath fan my face as he places both his hands on the sides of my neck pulling me in, he presses his soft lips to mine, I felt my breath leave my body as I place my hands on his waist balling up his cape in my palms. He pulls me flush against his frame as his hands slide down from my face to my hips, I let out a yelp as I'm shoved from Mavin.

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