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"Wow!" Johnny exclaims as he looks around the dull barely lit closet. I sigh and look at the man who basically kidnapped us.

"This rooms kind of small for a big castle. No bed but check out these awesome dustpans they give you." Johnny smiles showing me a skull with a handle he picked up.

"Oh shit." I mumble stifling a grin as I poke it.

"Quiet you fools." I look at the guy and roll my eyes. I let out a gasp when he shoves Johnny up against the door and rips through his bag.

"What sort of weapons are you keeping in this container. Your pitchforks?" he asks before pulling out a shirt that smelled like moldy cheese, sweat, rank ass, and death itself. Dracula exclaims and pulls his face away tossing the shirt away.

"I can't breathe!" he scurries into a corner covering the lower half of his face with his cape.

"It's killing me." Johnny turns around and picks it up with a scrunched face.

"Yeah, definitely due for a fluff and fold." he tosses it back into his pack. I look down at the poor man who had to experience that.

"It'll come back in a minute." I reassure him as his eyes stare at me widened like a deer caught in headlights. He snaps out of it when Johnny's phone vibrates.

"What is this?" he snatches the phone and looks at it from a weird angle.

"A torture device? A secret mind controller?" he asks before threateningly holding it near Johnny's face.

"You won't read my thoughts! I won't let you!" Johnny awkwardly looks to the side.

"Dude it's just music." he plugs in earphones to the jack and pushes a bud into his ear.

"Here try it." you could hear the song through them as his lip twitches in anguish. He lets out a scream on like actual agony slapping the buds out of his ears.

"It's taking my soul!" he exclaims crouching down and holding his head.

"What? It's a good jam, don't be a grandpa." Johnny says, nose to nose with the guy. He rushes up and presses Johnny to the door again.

"You need to go. No human has ever entered this castle and if someone should see you, the safety of the hotel. The sanctuary. No one would ever come again." he wails in fear, Johnny not quite getting it.

"Oh-h-h! Yeah, go for it!" he claws his hands out and mocks the guys accent. "Never come again!" he walks over to my side away from the door.

"I love your Dracula voice. It's so over the top." The guy ignores him and crouches to the floor again, fear in his eyes.

"And Maven, if he saw you he'd know I lied. No!" Johnny sits on the ground on his knees looking at the guy.

"Whose Maven? Is this his room? I'm good with a roommate. I had six brothers growing up, so I can totally share." Johnny looks up at me with a dopey smile.

"Dudes got a cool room." he mutters poking around before looking at Dracula again.

"One time, in Hamberg. I roomed with this dude who I caught stealing my shampoo. I said 'Woah man.' And he threw a flower pot at me, but he was cool." the guy had enough and glared at him.

"What are you babbling about?" Johnny stands back up and goes over to a coat rack.

"What? Woah! Check out these awesome costumes." Johnny swiped at my arm and I turned to look.

"Johnny these are-" I'm cut off by the Drac dude.

"Costumes!" he grabs me and Johnny by the bag and pulls us.

"Uh, whats this? Sorry man I can't be without my backpack." Johnny splutters as our bags are pulled off our backs and set to the side.

"You know? Everything I owns in there." he goes to reach for it and the guy blocks him.

"It'll be right here." Johnny shrinks down into himself daintily pointing at the bags.

"Okay. I just love my backpack." Johnny mutters as the guy wipes his hands off before aggressively grabbing Johnny and stripping him switching his clothes out. I cover my eyes before I see anything unsavory. Whether or not he was getting molested, wasn't my problem.

"Woah hey! What are you doing!" a few more struggling words and things hitting the floors the guy grabs my arm and spins me.

"Put this on." he holds out a satin black dress with soft lace at the hems. The sleeves were a soft sheen see-through. I grab it with unsure hands as I eye him. He spins around and turns Johnny around. I strip off my jacket and everything else but my undergarments'. I slip the soft form-fitting dress on.

I smoothed my hands over my now very seeable curves and pooched stomach. I wasn't big or anything, not that that's bad. I just didn't have the Victoria secret model body. I pull the dress down by the bottom hem, dragging it too low showing more boob like likeable. I pull that up and just give up to showing more thigh then liked. I brush my messy hair back and look up at the two men.

"Okay." Dracula spins and takes me by the shoulders shoving me down on a crate. Pulling out white face make-up he smears it over my face before putting a glossy redd-ish black lipstick on me. I scrunch my face up at his roughness as he pulls away.

"All done." He lifts me by my arm and takes Johnny's arm. Keeping us in a death grip he kicks open the door and pulls us out.

"Check it out, I'm a Franken-homie!" Johnny yells excitedly. I keep my shoulders tight at my neck trying to keep eyes off me and on Johnny at all times.

"Yes, hello." Dracula greets nervously.

"Look at me!"

"This is totally normal, not a problem here. This is just two monsters with me." Dracula tries playing off any suspicion anyone held, why? I don't know.

"Wow, everybody stepped it up tonight." Johnny grins boyishly before looking ahead of us.

"Wait why're we going to the front door? Are we leaving?" Dracula doesn't answer as we get closer.

"Bonjour, Dracula." A small man feverishly greets leaning against a stick.

"Hey sniffy, whats goin' on." Johnny pokes fun at the mans... large nose. I kick Johnny's leg as we're put behind Dracula's back.

"Not right now Quasimodo." I feel Dracula straighten up and tense when something starts squeaking.

"What? No, don't be absurd. No it's not a human but monsieur Dracula." Dracula awkwardly laughs.

"How Ridiculous its me," I look at the rat as it crawls over his shoulder. I give it a smile as it glares at me, somehow. Dracula grabs it and throws it the opposite way.

"Monsieur. The deviled lizard fingers." Dracula's nervous laughter turned to anger.

"Deviled lizard fingers? I asked for spleens-in-blankets." Quasimodo hits something and yells.

"You ugly fool! I told you! He doesn't like the lizard fingers." he starts slapping someones face and I flinch.

"But you said..." he cuts the man off and starts yelling incoherently. Johnny pulls us away and starts walking towards a skeleton.

"Woah check that costume out." I stare at it as it doesn't move. "Johnny I think that's a statue." I shut my mouth when it moves its head,

"Wow seriously, I just have to ask you; how are you pulling this off. I mean it looks so real! Like I can just put my hand...right through." 

Hotel Transylvania - Zinged FateWhere stories live. Discover now