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I follow next to a grumpy Johnny, his back slouched as he shoved his hands into his khaki shorts. Dracula still clad in just a towel around his narrow hips as he stomped his way to a large two-set doorway. He throws open the door and saunters in, when we enter hes in his suit and cape.

"I can't believe you stuck around man. You don't get it. Bad things are coming your way." He scolds us before turning away dragging his slender fingers down his face stressfully blabbing to himself.

"I cant- I need to get my thoughts together." He groans out, he breathes in and out before turning back towards us with a calm demeanor.

"Okay. You see these tables? You can spend the entire day pulling them out and placing them, party planners." He pulls us by our shoulders closer to his face with a glare before appearing in the middle of the large room.

"Oh, fantastic. We're trapped here. Now I know how your son feels." Johnny grumbles out walking over to a table. I let out a pained gasp as I cover my ears from the brain splitting noise of wood rubbing against the polished floors.

"Enough! Enough. Stop!" Dracula yells shooing Johnny away from the table, I uncover my ears with a sigh as I shake my head to get rid of the sound echoing in my brain.

"You're in timeout." Johnny leans over the table meeting Dracula's eyes,

"Timeout? I'm a grown man!" Johnny yells in the vampires face, he lets out a scream when he uses his magic to throw Johnny to a corner. He forces Johnny's thumb in his mouth and his legs to cross, sitting him in the corner basically paralyzed in that state. His fiery eyes meet mine and I slowly back away and sit down my let's outstretch in front of me as I watch him get to work.

"Okay." He claps his hands his head lifted up in eased confidence.

"Table 57, please move to position 23." I watch in awe as the table blinks and floats over to its position.

"Woah..." Johnny breaths out somehow talking perfectly with his thumb shoved in his mouth.

"Face the wall." Dracula calls out catching Johnny staring. He forcefully turns Johnny around.

"17 to 48. 16 to 47. 19 to 50." They float to their spots with smiles on their sheeted faces.

"Awesomeness." Johnny mutters in bubbled up childlike excitement defying Dracula's orders.

"Just let me do my work." He continues calling numbers in eased patience for the tables. Johnny pokes me with his knee looking at me with pleading eyes. I let out a sigh as I grab his wrist and I pull back as he pulls back too. His thumb pops out of his mouth and I fall back. He lets out a snicker as he helps me up and we walk through the tables. He hops onto a table and pulls me up with him.

"36 up!" Its face appears with a smile before noticing Johnny and it gasps. I let out a shout as it starts spinning and tipping around.

"Whoa!" Johnny topples onto his side before situating himself again. Dracula looks up at us with a glare before calling up to table 31. Johnny lays on his back before we're slammed into by the table. I let out a scream as I'm thrown off the table with Johnny, he lands on different tables and I just basically freefall I slam into the floor with a shortly cut scream.

Johnny slams into another table with a groan. Johnny reaches a hand out to me as I slowly sit up on the floor rubbing my chest. I grab his hand and he pulls me forward onto the table and takes us up into the air.

"24 up." I grip onto the sides of the table till my knuckles turn white. Dracula doesn't seem to notice our doings and continues calling numbers. Johnny flies right by him, most likely attempting to hit the man. He turns to the side right as we past and stares at us. We spin around and Johnny smiles looking around for Dracula.

"Oh where'd you go grandpa." He appears in front of us upside down.

"Don't freak out gravity face." Johnny laughs and looks ahead of us as Dracula situates himself behind us.

"Eat my dust gray fangs."

"56 and 43 at my side." Johnny pushes us forward as Dracula chases us with two extra tables. We weave and twist through the tables in the air waiting to assume their positions.

"Prepare to drive, Billy Backpack." Johnny jumps up when he tries to grab him, I roll onto my side avoiding Dracula's claw like nails. Johnny turns us upside down scrapping across the ceiling.

"That's how we do it baby!" Johnny calls out whooping, I laugh and pull him down by his pants leg.

"Whatever." Dracula rolls his eyes and looks ahead determined. We spin around tables, Dracula hot on our tails,

"47, 45, 65, 76, 48, block his path. Block his path!" Dracula yells with a wide grin. Johnny perks up and looks around for the called tables. Ahead of us a blockade of the tables. I widen my eyes as I smoosh myself to the table prepared for the pain to follow this crash. Johnny howls out in excitement as he looks back at Dracula. He pulls my arm as he jumps off the table forcing me to follow him as he goes through a hole between four tables.

"Awe, come on now dude man. Nice." Dracula laughs out finally letting loose as Johnny has us jumping across floating tables until we land on one he drives forward. Dracula follows our lead and jumps across tables missing one he starts falling. Johnny drives us below him and he lands on our table sitting down beside Johnny.

"I gottchu buddy."

 We burst out of the room's doors into the hallway. We twist down halls as Johnny and Dracula push and shove each other playfully. I laugh as I lean back away from the roughhousing. We almost hit a witch and she scream's ducking as she throws the towels she had up, they slap Johnny and Drac in the face.

I point at them letting out a loud laugh as Johnny pushes my shoulder. I snicker but stop as all of us look ahead at the knight appearing around the corner. Both men hug each other and scream as I hold onto the table letting out a scream as we crash into the poor knight. 

Hotel Transylvania - Zinged FateWhere stories live. Discover now