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I follow Dracula through the narrow system.

"Where are we going?" Johnny asked keeping pace beside me.

"Just getting rid of you through a secret tunnel so he does not see us." I shivered as something dropped down onto my naked shoulder. I look down and let out a yelp slapping the spider off of me. It squeaks and runs up the wall again.

"So, can I ask you a question? Is that real, about the garlic thing?" Johnny asks without a response of if he could or not.

"Yes I cannot have it, my throat swells." We stop in an open area with 5 different halls to go down.

"Huh. What about a stake to the heart?"

"Yeah. Well who wouldn't that kill?" Dracula picks the middle one and goes down it, me and Johnny quick to follow. He looks back before running into a dead end. He lets out a growl before turning around. We go down a different one next to it.

"Ah. Here we go." He pulls down a torch holder and it opens the wall up to a bed with pink silk sheets and two little, tiny mites on it. We bend down to look at them. Dracula sputters flustered.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a little lost. Yes, I know it's your honeymoon. I apologize. Go- go back to what you were doing." He spews out and rushes away the wall closing behind us as we continue down the hall back to where we first came to go down a different hall.

"I'm not down here much. Its meant to be an exit if humans ever invade." he explains going down a different one. His voice echoing through the tunnels. Just as fast as we went down we exit and go across to the right side.

"So we're like the first humans here huh? That's really cool." Johnny says with a wide grin looking around the tunnel. We find a new lever not that far in.

"Oh, boy. I think this is it." Dracula mumbles as he pulls it down, the wall opens up to a shower. The woman skeleton from earlier washing her bones in there. She lets out a scream dropping her soap. I instinctively cover Johnny's eyes and mine.

"I am terribly sorry! My mistake," Her husband rushes into the bathroom and yanks the curtain back.

"What is wrong with you people!" He shouts balling his fist up. He throws a wet luffa at Dracula and it hits him in the face. The wall closes and we rush back and go down a different tunnel. It changes from a high ceiling to a low one. I crouch down behind Johnny and follow the two men.

"Oh-h-h man. This place is amazing." Johnny exclaims with a toothy smile.

"Okay I could really use some silence right now." Dracula mutters with a flat expression as he continues forward. Johnny listens and quiets down for a moment. We walk down a flight of stairs and I stop behind Dracula as he catchs Johnny by the collar of his jacket before he walks straight off. He yelps and continues back around with Dracula like nothing happened.


We walk down the final hall and find a lever not far in and Dracula stops with a sigh.

"All right, third times a..." He mutters pulling it down, the wall opens of revealing monsters messing with zombies, I stare at the aggressive sight before me with wide eyes. Frankenstein growls and throws a long and thin zombie man at a bunch of things on a table, he's electrocuted. A werewolf has a much shorter one with white hair in his jowls thrashing him around.

"Drac?" The biggest guy asks once he noticed the grumpy old vampire. I let out a yelp when I'm shoved back by Dracula, I topple onto the floor with a huff.

"Yes Frankie?"

"Hey buddy whatchu been doing?" The large man asks as I'm helped up by Johnny.

"Don't move." He subtly whispers over to us with a nervous smile.

"Never mind that, what have you been doing?" He says waving his arms around with an annoyed look as he steps into the room. The werewolf stops thrashing the zombie man and crouches down near a herd of puppies who chomp down on the poor thing.

"We just wanted to practice our big number for Mavin's party. And then these losers wouldn't get off the bandstand." he explains looking around him, the zombie still in his jaws.

"Okay, put down zombie Mozart, Bach and Beethoven this instant." Dracula demands pointing his finger at the ground like he was instructing children. The poor zombies are thrown away from the perpetrators aggressively one by one the puppies barking and running after the bodies. The zombies stand up, some of the pups attached to them like piranhas.

"Do you get to rehearse at all, zombie Beethoven?" Dracula asks the short zombie who shakes his head,

"Uuuh-uuuhh." He moans out, the werewolf stands up as a different monster jumps off from the table he was on.

"Listen Drac we wanted to play something, like old times." He said his ears flopped off to the sides as he hunches waving his arm at the other two monsters behind him.

"We even thought maybe you'd sing with us," he points out a permanent frown on his face as he looks at Dracula. He laughs awkwardly looking behind his shoulder at us.

"Come on fellas. You—you know that I haven't sung in public since Martha."

"Yeah-yeah, but we just thought how much you know Maven would love it." Dracula reels back growing angry.

"I said no!" He yells out, his friends flinching, he growls baring his sharp fangs at him.

"Don't ask me again!" His mood switches back to friendly as he gives them an innocent smile.

"Okay, now lets hug the zombies. Let's all make up." He said before turning and walking backwards towards the zombies.

"Wow. He really scared you." The werewolf said looking at Frankenstein who shrugged.

"I wasn't scared, I was just being polite." He stuttered out looking off to the side. I look up and flinch away as someone drops their head from above.

"Hey." I meet eyes with the pretty ones from earlier. I give Mavin a smile as he drops down to his feet in front of me.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were planning." He asks with a cute, confused expression, I look at Johnny as he stutters and comes up with an excuse.

"I— uhm, we never caught your name?" Johnny suddenly questioningly says, Mavin looks at Johnny eyeing him up and down before answering,

"My names Mavin." He states plainly,

"Mavin? That's a pretty neat name." Johnny said cooly a dopey smile on his face as he looks at me thinking proud of himself for coming up with the excuse.

"Yeah, my mom picked it. So... are you going to tell me your names?" He asks, I perked up and smiled, his eyes immediately going to me and returning the smile like it was infectious.

"I'm Elysia, that's—" I go to point out Johnny and he panics slapping my hand down.

"My name? I—uh good question... that's a good question." He fidgets with his hair before crossing his arms and smiling.

"I'm Frankenstein obviously." He comes up with coolly, Mavin shakes his head and leans to the side showing the monsters from earlier.

"No, you're not. Frankenstein is my uncle over there. The gentleman hugging zombie Mozart." He says, I look past him to see Frankenstein crushing Mozart's head.

"Right... of course he's your uncle. Well, uhm... see I'm not The Frankenstein, I'm his... cousin, Johnnystein." Johnny smoothly comes up with, somehow. Mavin repeats Johnny with a questioning tone.

"Hey Mavin." A soft high-pitched voice says from behind Johnny, and he spins around letting out a girly scream at the sight of the spider, the same one I smacked earlier. Johnny basically flings himself out of the tunnel and slams into a table, breaking the weak thing. 

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