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"Okay, okay, calm down with the fight chickens." Dracula yelled standing above the chaos in the pool by the stairs.

"Everyone stop with the roughhousing." he held his hands out in front of him, his face pinched in annoyance as a monster whooped and jumped into the pool. A octopus monster lifted a tentacle in the air, Frank on top of it whooping. His wife yelling up at him,

"Frank if you hurt yourself–"

"I got it, Honey. The stein boys are bred for this kind of thing." he yells back down. He runs forward yelling 'Geronimo'. I flinched expecting him to hit the water faster the he was. I lower my arms, placing my hands on Maven's wet curls as I watch Frank slowly fall into the water with a loud slap, his limbs floating apart and away from him. Everyone Oo's while others exclaim in excitement. Maven helps me down off his shoulders, his hands remaining at his waist when he father approaches Johnny his teeth gritting.

"Johnny, Elysia... your m-ke-p." I didn't catch the last part as his voice lowered in volume. He repeats himself, pulling his face down in exaggerated panic. He grabs Johnny's wrist mumbling something before he's yanked in by the boy.

"Johnny!" I yell out panicked at what the vampire man would even begin to do with us. Maven's hands trail down to my hips as he looks down at where his father was pulled in.

"Oh man, I guess the Count wanted to go for a swim." Johnny shrugs, on top of a scaly mans shoulders. I unconsciously lean into Maven's side as he lets out a deep chuckle. I look down into the green tinted water a little nervous, Dracula hasn't come up in while.

"Should we be worried?" I asked looking up at Maven's face, his eyes drift down to me when he hears my voice.

"Nah, he'll be fine." he squeezes my hip in his hand reassuringly and I felt the spot tingle throughout my stomach as my heart sped up. I fought back a smile as I listen to Johnny talk and joke. Johnny gets off the guys shoulder and swims over to me and Maven with a grin before he's swept up by the tentacle creature. He lets out an excited laugh and yell as he dives down. I let out a gasp as the water drains quickly, Maven wraps me up in his arms as he floats us up and out of the pool.

He sets me down on my feet and we look up at Johnny. I let out a scream as he realizes his situation. He starts flailing his arms and legs yelling as he falls much faster then Frank had. I flinch and cover my eyes shrinking into myself pushing into Maven's body.

When I don't hear his body splat against the stone pool floor I peak and eye out. I let out a yelp as I'm grabbed my the back of my neck and dragged out of the pool area by Dracula. Johnny curled up like a kitten as Dracula holds the collar of his jacket.


"Oh you messed up big time, baby. You messed up big time." Dracula seethes out as he pulls us through a graveyard.

"I told you to take it down. You'll ruin my hotel if they find out." he growls out as Johnny glares and crosses his arms.

"Maybe your just jealous that people are finally having fun at this place." Dracula stops and sets Johnny down on his feet twirling around to face us.

"Oh, that was not fun. Everyone running, jumping, swimming with no order. That was the opposite of fun." he physically demonstrates running jumping and swimming to us before he walks around us, Johnny spins and faces him with a deepened glare.

"Do you know what fun even is?" Johnny jabs and Dracula raises a hand getting in his face.

"I invented fun!" Johnny turns away from Dracula huffing.

"Man, the wrong people get to be immortal." Dracula spins him around and covers the bottom half of his face with his cape staring us both in our eyes.

"Look at me, you'll remember nothing of this encounter." Dracula's eyes glow red and Johnny slaps a hand onto my face, I let out a grunt as I stumble back slightly from the harsh impact. I watch as a mildly misshapen normal fly whizzes' past which had been on my face. I look at Johnny with a glare but stop when I see his eyes glowing red.

"You have no memory of this place, or the monsters you met. Now go and never return." Johnny shakes his head snapping out of his focus.

"Wait never return to the hotel?"

"What? You were supposed to forget about the hotel, I just used my powers to erase your memory. I looked straight into your eyes." Johnny stares at him confused before realization hits his face.

"Huh. Oh maybe its the contact lenses."

"The what?" Dracula asks confused as he stares squinted at Johnny.

"These little plasticky doo dads that help me see better. Here, let me just try and get them out real quick." Johnny offered as he pulled his eyelids further apart with two fingers before trying and pinching the lenses. I reeled back in disgust.

"Oh that is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen." Dracula flailed his hands and turned his head away his face pinched up in a grimace.

"Almost got it."

"Stop doing that. Fingers away from the eyeballs! Enough!" Dracula yells making Johnny turn back towards him from focusing on getting the things out of his eyes. Dracula pulls his arms down and away from his face.

"Listen to me. You two are never to return here. You are to stay away and never tell humans about this place. Or I will track you down and suck every ounce of blood from your body until you look like a deflated whoopee cushion." Johnny shrinks back the closer Dracula gets to his face. Dracula straightens back up his cold stare remaining on us.

"Now, be gone." he outstretches his hand over our heads. Johnny grabs my arm and turns us around stomping off. 

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