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He trails off as his hand goes through between a set of ribs. It gasps and bitch slaps him across the face.

"Johnny!" I shout and grab his arm. I look up at the lady and apologize profusely. A different one comes up and gets in his face.

"What do you think you're doing!" He yells at Johnny balling his bony fists up. 

Johnny stammers looking at the two scared, "You're real! She's real!"

"Yeah! And I'll give you a real beating! Keep your hands out of my wife!" He punches Johnny in the stomach, and he's thrown onto a different creature. I look from him to the skeleton man. I stand up straight and glare at him.

"Fuck off you prick it was an honest mistake!" I yell at him, he turns to me eyeing me up and down.

"Fang-brat go coddle your bitch boy!" He aggressively pushes me back towards Johnny who takes off running and screaming.

"You asshole!" I reel my fist back and punch him without really thinking of how it'd hurt me. He falls back on his bony ass holding a hand to his nonexistent face. I hiss and cradle my fist before I run after Johnnys ballistic ass. 

He bumps, steps and knocks people... or creatures... over as he screams bloody murder. He slides on slime that was left on the floor bumping into a Jello looking thing and knocks into a witch taking her broom.

It freaks out and takes Johnny up into the air. He comes flying at me screaming his lungs out. I let out a scream of my own as it knocks into me taking me with them. We fly into a cart of suitcases. Past a dead mariachi band. Johnnys slammed into the floor before we take off again. We spin around a silk tied up curtain before we face a pair of people and go straight at the man. We slam into him and all go flying different ways.

Johnny tumbles past me groaning. I sit up and rub my head, looking down I notice a noirette beneath me. He sits up looking down at our connected laps with his eyes closed as he rubs the side of his head. He looks up at me with wide eyes a colorful glisten coating them and swirling around before disappearing.

He was absolutely gorgeous. His hair curly and messy from the fall, he had the bluest eyes as they looked into mine. He had a sharp jawline and a knee-buckling smile as he smiled at me, I let out an oof when I'm pushed off him.

"Mavin, honey, are you alright?" Dracula —presumed father of the very attractive boy— asks and the boy nods.

"Yeah, I think so. That was weird." This Mavin guy says - and by God even his voice was attractive, I crawl past Daculas cape and grab Johnny's arm.

"Awe my head." He groans, I stifle a laugh as I pat his back.

"Uhm... who is that?" The boy asks.

"Who is what? Oh-oh that. That is... nobody." His dad responds,

"Seriously dad?" Grumbles his son, Johnny shoves the cape to the side looking shocked.

"Dad?" Johnny asks,

"Yeah, I know Dracula's son. Everyone freaks out at first." He says coolly,

Johnny's eyes widen, "Dracula!" He jumps forward as his heads covered by said Dracula.

"Okay, we got to go." he grabs us both again and flies off.


"Aah! Please don't kill me!" Johnny yelled rushing into the room Dracula opened the door too.

"I'm so young! I have so many places I want to see!" He clampers around shrinking back into himself as Dracula stalks towards us.

"I've got tickets to the six Dave Matthews band concerts!" He shouted pleading, he grabs me by the shoulders using me as a human shield as he rips open a compartment on the ground.

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