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I watch with wide eyes as Frankenstein stomps over to him. Dracula rushes to block Johnny from his view.

"Who is that." I go to rush out of the room to help Johnny but Maven grabs my arm with a soft grip and spins me around to face him.

"Are you a vampire like me?" He suddenly asks his eyes raking over me curiously.

"I've never met another vampire before." I smile at him and nod, feeling bad for having to lie to him like this.

"Really?" He breathes out before grabbing my arms excitedly, "We should go for a fly when we hang out! It'd be so fun I promise, I know the best spots." 

I give him an unsure smile as I nodded, "Sure." 

He hugs me tightly and suddenly, I guess I should expect it, he comes from a very touchy dad it seems. I look over at Johnny again seeing him mocking Frankenstein. Dear god.

"Is—is he making fun of me?"

"No, no. Of course he's not, because he's..." Dracula tries saving Johnny, stuttering on his words. Mavin takes me by my hand and walks us over, he sits me down on the counter and leans up next to me.

"He's your cousin, Johnnystein." He says with a smile, Dracula looks back at us sputtering at our position before looking back at his friend.

"Yes, yes, yes." He says agreeing-ly patting Johnny's shoulder, 

"I don't have no cousin." Frankenstein grumbles confused.

"No, no. You do. He's your sixth cousin, three times removed." He explains, Johnny lifts his right arm and points at it, "On your right arms side."

 Frank looks at his right arm confused, "You have a cousin?"

"Frank if your arm could talk, he would tell you that the original owner of your arm had a brother—" Dracula starts to say,

Johnny continues Dracula's thoughts, "Who married a woman–" 

"Who was... Famous..." Dracula trails off,

"For strangling a pig!" Both men shrugged their shoulders smiling at Frank.

"I have pig-strangling blood in my arm!... That's kind of cool. Well cuz, great to meet you." Frank says grabbing Johnnys left arm with both his hands thrashing the poor man around in what seems to be a handshake?

"So what brings you here Johnny." A man asked, nothing but floating glasses, Johnny whips around blubbering our a scream.

"Wah! What was that." Johnny darts his eyes around before landing on the glasses.

"Oh! Sorry, I should really clear my throat before speaking. Anyways, what brings you here!" The invisible man asks, I'm gonna assume with a smile.

"Oh... uh, party planner?" Johnny questioningly spits out.

"Yes! I have recruited mister Stein and miss Elysia here to help me with Mavins birthday party." Dracula beckons me over frantically waving his hand behind his back. I place a hand on Mavins shoulder and hop off the counter. I saunter over to Dracula and rest an arm on Johnny's shoulder.

"Wait a minute. You asked someone to help you?" 

"Captain control freak." 

Dracula frowns at the name, "It's Count. And yes, I thought that having Mavin contemporary would be useful." 

Johnny smiles and nods, "Yeah!"

"He definitely needed a fresher prospective." I point out with a shrug as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Okay, Johnny, Elysia. Mr-tight-coffin over here was planning to have these powdered lame-o's play at the party." The werewolf spits out gesturing towards the zombies who frown and slouch their shoulders in sadness.

"So, anyways, we thought we could liven things up a bit." Frankenstein says pushing him and his friends heads together with a smile.

"Woah! You all play? Let's check you guys out." Johnny says excited to hear them play, having an obsession almost to music. The monsters rush their way to the stage and grab their instruments. They strum a slow and quiet tune.

"Girl...I can't believe it's your big night...~" Frank sings in an off-key voice. I scrunch my face up in disappointment from all the hype they gave themselves. I look at Mavin who looks just as disappointed.

"Seems like only yesterday you were eating mosquitos...~" Sandman sang, the werewolf and invisible man sang together in union. After a while of hearing them sing horribly Johnny stops them.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on guys. Stop. That's cute, but kinda old school." Johnny pointed out shrugging.

"Yes, thank you Johnny." Dracula says thinking he was agreeing with him.

"You gotta totally tempo things up. Here let me show you." Johnny said hopping up onto the stage and grabbing Sandman's guitar.

"Werewolf man give me a jam!" The werewolf nervously hit a few keys.

"Two! Three! Four!" Johnny started strumming cords on the guitar getting a fast and smooth tempo going.

"Vampire boy with the fangy fangs!~ Little prince gonna be a king~" He sang walking across the stage in an odd bent position. "Legal bat dude, 118~" I stifle a laugh as I press a finger to my lips holding back a smile. Such an odd way to phrase it.

"Yeah! Stage dive!" He suddenly yelled, my eyes widen as he throws the guitar and widens his arms out.

"Johnny no!" I scream as he jumps into the crowd landing directly on top of me. I let out a groan as he twists off me.

"Awesome." He wheezes out, I let out a laugh as he starts too.

"I am so blown away right now." Mavin says as he rushes over to us. He reaches an arm out towards me and lifts me onto my feet. I brush dust off the front of my dress, Mavin keeps his hand at the small of my back.

"You okay doll?" He asks with furrowed brows, I look up at him and nod, not processing the little name right away. We both look towards Frankenstein as he peers over the crowd.

"I think my cuz is gonna make this the best party ever!" He screams in excitement for the party lifting him up by the collar of his jacket.

"Yeah, maybe he can help get me some chicks!" Sandman butted in smiling. Frankenstein set Johnny on his feet grabbing him by his arms and squeezing, everyone suddenly offering him ideas and speaking over one another. I press myself into Mavin not much liking the crowding thing. He absentmindedly wrapped an arm over my hip as he continued talking to Johnny about ideas.  

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