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I stumble on the dark woodsy path Johnny had us walking through to get back to the town. I sniffle and rub my nose my sight blurred with unshed tears.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay..." Johnny muttered and rubbed my arm. I shake my head,

"No, Johnny it's not. I'm gonna go back to my boring mundane life, eating takeout as I cry to really badly made romances. I fell in love again Johnny, I know it sounds crazy, but I've never felt this way before." I whisper, my voice hearse from crying all the way from the castle. 

Johnny sighs as he stops us walking and turns me to face him, "I know. And you don't have to go back to your really, really sad life," I let out a chuckle as I sniffle.

"You can keep traveling with me, you know two peas on a fun pod. We can go to my Dave Matthews concerts together! And we can travel to all kinds of places. As friends, together, okay?" Johnny reassures me and I nod and sigh as I close my eyes and push the palms of my hands into my eyelids till, I see white dots. I pull away and nod again to seal the deal. He shakes my shoulder in excitement, and we start walking again.


By the time we get to town its already morning. Johnny pulls his phone out and scrolls till he finds his Uber app; he calls an Uber, and he looks over at me again. Noticing my glistened stare at the floor he wraps an arm around my shoulder pulling me from my funk as he walks us over to a diner to get something to eat while we wait.

"So theres this monster fest later today, we can stop by there to the airport. We'll probably have to walk regardless cars aren't permitted until after." Johnny explains biting into his burger as he looks out the window into the forest way back in the distance. I silently nod and lay my head down on the cold table watching as a kid pours a bag of sugar on the table and swipes his hands in it, I sigh and close my eyes, my mind plagued with the look on Mavin's face when I left.

My body in physical pain from the break in my heart, the despair I can never seem to get away from for long carves its way into my body again. Living as one with my body as I drift off into my own world. A world this never happened, one where we never left, one where Mavin and I were happily together still. Where this pain didn't exist.

"Hey, rides here." Johnny snaps me out of my self-wallowing, I nod and slowly lift my head up, the action itself was tiring. I pull myself from the seat and we leave the diner walking towards a sedan parked beside the sidewalk, Johnny opens the passenger side door and lets me get in before shutting it and sliding into the backseat.


I stare at the ever more growing crowd of people all dressed up as different "mythological" monsters, or at least what some of them thought were myths, most people dressed up as Dracula. I lean my head against the window sighing at the coldness soothing my headache. I snap up from the window when I make eye contact with a man dressed as a Count, his blue eyes bright like the sky.

I felt my breath leave me as my throat closed up, my stomach doing flips as I swear, I see Mavin, I blink and realize it's just some man, his arm around his girlfriend who was dressed up as a werewolf. I sigh and slouch looking at the floorboard as the man stops his car.

"This is as far as I can take you since the fest is starting up." Johnny nodded and reached up patting the guys shoulder before tossing him a five and hopping out, I get out after him and look up around all the hundreds of people dressed up. Johnny wraps a reassuring arm around my shoulder and walks us along the road as he grins at bystanders.


"Two plane tickets please." Johnny asks peering over the counter as he bounces on the balls of his feet. I stuff my hands in the jacket Johnny gave me with a sigh as I look down, avoiding the eyes of people traveling.

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