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"We are not doing any of that! We've got to stay on schedule, all right?" Dracula yells from behind the large crowd of monsters. Maven slouches and rolls his eyes.

"Alright dad, alright. Elysia Johnny, you're coming too." he suddenly says perking up with a smile as he looks down at me.

"I don't know..." I trail off and look at Johnny, I'd rather not get murdered by some thousand year old dead dude.

"Is it cool with Dracula? Gotta make sure he's cool with it." Johnny asks looking up at the boiling vampire.


I sit squeezed beside Johnny, Maven on the other side of Johnny. I look ahead of me awkwardly as a small monster spins a wheel full of rat skulls. She stops and pulls one out, it whispers in her ear and she repeats it out loud into a mic with a soft voice as she shakily grabs a stamp hitting her own card.

"N27." I fidget with my stamper as I look at Johnny snoring and drooling on his hand. His head slowly slips from his palm and he shoots away looking around.

"G61." Franks wife hits the table before raising her hand excitedly yelling out,

"Bingo! Bingo!" I watch in disgust as a woman next to her opens her mouth up wide and eats the sheet. She looks down at the old woman with a glare getting close to her face.

"How dare you? Do you know what doctor made me?" she slaps a manicured hand on her hip, the long nails facing out.

"I didn't do that." The old lady monster innocently declared.


I sit tense and straight smooshed between a overly excited vampire and a mopey ginger. I peer over Dracula at Maven, who was already staring. His eyes widen as his cheeks heat up a soft color as he gives me the melting smile he holds. I flinch as Johnny accidently hits me in the arm with his green scooter that he somehow managed to store in his backpack.

"Ow! Johnny!" I hiss at him glaring as I rub my arm. He apologizes before getting onto the scooter and rushing past the hydro monster spooking all six heads. They scoot back in together and stare at Johnny excitedly as he rolls past the fly man. He catchs the werepups attention as he spins in a circle.

Murrey laughs and takes a turn on the scooter. Sitting on his butt he scoots across the ground his head thrown back as he laughs like a maniac. Multiple different monsters take turns, including a hand called thing. I look over at Maven as he lets out a deep chuckle enjoying the fun from the sidelines beside his dad who gasps like its a horrible scene bestowed before him. The scooter gets caught by the monster lady who ate Eunice's sheet earlier, she stuffs it into her way-too-big mouth and eats it like its a caramel candy.

"I didn't do that." she innocently says as everyone gasps, the fun ruined by her.


I pull the bikini top over my breasts, this swimming suit was definitely outdated and a little small.

"Are you sure you wanna do this, Johnny?" I mutter as I cross my arms over my body stepping out into the pool area with him. He nods exasperatedly with a wide smile as he looks around.

"Elysia, Johnny!" Maven waves us over from a table, his eyes somehow bluer in the lighting. I sit next to him as Johnny sits on the other side. He leans back in his seat throwing an arm over the top as he looks at Eunice proudly talking about how he's been to the Taj Mahal. Maven looks at him with a longing look, he looked like he wanted to go explore like me and Johnny do. Be free from what seems to be Dracula's controlling vice grip.

"Oh, Johnny you've been to the Taj Mahal?" Eunice asks as Murrey comes and sits down, beetles roaming off the plate he sets down. 

"Oh, come on. No monsters been to the Taj." He says poking the beetles with his fork and pops them all into his mouth.

Maven sighs and leans onto the palm of his hand. "Man, I wish I could go there." I give him a sad look knowing he probably never would.

"How did you deal with the mobs?" he asked in mild concern for us. Johnny shrugs not really grasping what type of mobs he meant.

"Yeah, it does get pretty crazy in the summer. But you know, you just gotta roll." he says as Wayne and his wife sit down.

"He just rolls. That's cool that he rolls." he chuckles out, definitely not understanding the saying. I jump in my seat bumping Mavens arm as his dad pops up out of no where. Maven glances at me as he drops a hand under the table pressing it to my thigh comfortingly as he looks at his father.

"Yes, yes, cool. Look love droppings, I've brought you a bagel with your favorite, scream cheese." he says looking proud of his doings as he holds a bagel in his palms. The cream lifts off the bagel and starts literally screaming.

"Holy rabies, thanks dad." he takes it in his hands and turns towards me.

"Ely, try some scream cheese. It's awesome." he says with excitement, basically shoving it in my face. It screams in my face as I stare at it with crosses eyes.

"Cool..." I trail off quietly as I look at it unsure. Johnny butts in saving my ass,

"She's scream cheese intolerant, so..." Dracula grabs Johnnys shoulders shaking him slightly before lifting him up and out of the chair.

"Yes, of course she is. Johnny, Elysia, can we party plan talk for a minute?" I push my chair out excusing myself politely, my bikini cover sliding back down to cover my thighs from when Maven placed his hand on it. I follow Dracula and Johnny over to the pool side.

"What are you doing? If they find out you are humans, they'll go bat poop." Dracula quietly yells at us, getting in our faces, scarily close.

"Relax. No one suspects anything. The only thing that looks weird is how much whispering your doing." Johnny says, Dracula looks up awkwardly at all the staring monsters as he pushes us a different way.

"Just wrap it up. You will say you are going in the pool and act excited, and then you will say you hurt your back and you have to leave. Elysia will help you saying she's gonna take care of you." he lets go of Johnnys arm as the man frowns and stomps off over to the pool, I follow him with a sigh. We stop at the pool edge and I untie my cover tossing it to the side so I look like I'm actually going to swim.

"Here come good times. Woo." Johnny unenthusiastically says clapping his hands. He goes to dive and stops placing a hand on his back.

"Oh, dudes oh my back." he hunches back like an old man holding his back. A lizard looking short man jumps on Johnnys shoulders yelling excitedly.

"I'm on your back!" Dracula waves his hands shaking his head.

"No, no. He said, oh my back." Maven runs over and smiles at me excitedly as he steps into the pool, he pats my thigh from below. "Get on my back," without thinking I take his hand and carefully sit on his shoulders. He places his soft hands on my thighs keeping me up as Johnny jumps into the pool,

"Ah, here we go." Johnny grins holding the guys ankles. "Chicken fight!" he yells as I hold my hands out and the lizard holds his out.

"Push 'em off!" Johnny yells as the monsters all jump in the pool yelling chicken fight.

"We've got you Johnny." Maven playfully shouts as I lace hands with the lizard man attempting to throw him off.

"Oh, yeah we'll see Mavy wavy." Johnny mocks his name with a sly grin as Maven glares at him the same type of playful banter behind his eyes. All kinds of monsters on each others shoulders playing chicken. I almost slip off when Maven tightens his hold on my thighs, his fingers shooting an electric feeling up my cold wet skin. 

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