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I let out a grunt as I twist and turn in the ropes on this random man's back. I bite onto the cloth in my mouth, it was hard to breathe through and even harder to breathe through my nose as I started to panic. Johnny grabs my hand and squeezes in reassurance as he looks around the open area we walk into. The short man gasps as one of the knights walk towards him, he limps the other way before screaming when the elevator opens to even more knights.

He runs forward bouncing us on his back, they slam their weapons down in front of him trying to get him as he leaps over them with screams. Once he realized he was good at this he starts laughing exclaiming in French as he slides under a blade rushing towards the kitchen area. He's blocked in and Johnny starts shouting through his gag most likely calling for help.

"What is the meaning of this? Let me pass!" The small man demands.

"Quasimodo Wilson, you are coming with us." A knight says and bends down swiping a hand to grab him, he avoids it and kicks between the knight's legs.

"Why did that hurt me?" The knight questions out loud as he falls to his knees holding where his groin would be if he was human. He jumps on top of the knight's head onto the wall and jumps onto a chandelier, holding onto the chain he laughs like a maniac, He swings the chandelier around with an angry face. Gargoyles fly out of the holes in the wall going after him, he huffs and starts climbing the chain. He jumps on one that tries grabbing him onto the rafters and skillfully runs across the planks.

He jumps down and hits the ground, turning around he looks at the knights running at him then to the Gargoyles flying at him, he runs towards the knights jumping up and onto the heads of them, he throws the heads off with his feet as he runs across them hitting Gargoyles in the face causing a pile up of all of them on the floor. He lands on his feet and laughs.

"Quasi wins again. When you bump with the hump you land on your rump." He rhymes shaking his ass at them before running through the doorway into the kitchen. I thrash around as he throws us off his hump and growls as he ties us up to a cooking rod.

 I arch my back off the metal rod and grit my teeth as Johnny looks at the man, "Before you kill us, can I please talk to my backpack one last time? I don't want to leave anything unresolved."

 I sigh and fall limp as the fire burns against my back, I can smell my hair basically burning from the heat alone. I look up as a rush of cold air hits me and the doors slam open revealing Dracula.

"Bonjour, monsieur Dracula." Quasi waves with a twiddle of his fingers at the seething vampire. He flies at us putting out the fire with the rush of wind, He shoves Quasi away with his arm.

"Shut your hump hole." He works away at the ropes and unties us.

"Now you are helping me? What is it with you and these humans?" Quasi says blocking us from leaving.

"They are not human! He's a Stein and shes a vampire!" Johnny grows some balls and leans over Dracula's arm.

"That's right little man I'm a Stein!" He nods at me with a smile proud of himself, I roll my eyes as look at the small man.

"Is they are monsters, let them scare Esmerelda." He points to a rat cleaning itself,

"The mouse? Pfft, without a doubt." They look at Johnny as he steps away from Dracula, I follow him with cautious steps.

"Okay, here we go." He jumps at the rat raising his arms in a claw form and yells in its face, he tries a few other things and none of them get a thing out of the rat. He steps back with a scream when it squeaks at him, I roll my eyes and sigh knowing I'd get nothing out of the small creature I flinch when Quasi yells.

Hotel Transylvania - Zinged FateWhere stories live. Discover now