17. Envy Green

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The turtles couldn't run away forever, neither could their enemies. But at this point, Heinous Green was on a rampage...tearing down the entire arena.

His attitude and rage seem to increased eversince he lost me at the resort. The gang didn't even dare to tell him, escaping the situation without a trace.

Raph and Leo were ahead of the boys, seeing their brothers losing their speed.

"Raph, Mikey is close to fall"

Red looked back, "Donnie too, we have to stop this green jerk."

Leo grew terrified of that monsters loud roar, "And what is you plan?!"

"I'll smash us out"

They got on the same speed as orange and purple, telling them the plan. With Leo making a few adjustments, it sounded pretty good...and dangerous.
For this blue had to leave his brothers on their own. He used his portal to reach for the mystic weapons and it seems to be easy, basically in reach for him to grab them all.


Until big Mama had him, pulling the turtle from the portal and into the next wall.
"Not playing by the rules cutie Noddle?"

Leo lied upside down against the wall, but his smile didn't fade "Me? I always play by the rules..I just bend them a little."

"You naughty boy. I love it."

Her admiration remained short, turning into her spider form, "But big mama has to run her buisness and therefore is in need to entertain the customers well"

Blue grinned at her while winking, "And I got a sweet darling waiting for me at home. So we both have something we want". He walked around the Yokai, whole she followed his every move. Leo couldn't stop his grin to widen as he spoke about me, complimenting my look, my smile, the way I frown at him...

"...I mean, she is absolutely adorable when she looks annoyed and..."

"Leo, what's taking you so long?!!!!!"

Now Raph carries both of his brothers while running away from Green.

"Ah yes and one more thing..."

With big mama no longer listening, he made another portal, "...she loves champions." With one kick the weapons flew into the portal, falling out over his brothers heads.

Her rage grew instantly, ready to attack blue. But he was already out of sight. Taking the opportunity to use the mannequin nearby she hadn't notice his disappearance. Neither that he took the dolls costume too.

The battle was over before Green could even scratch a single shell. Mikey used his weapon to make him trip over his own feet, while Donnie helped him pull on the other side. Ralph teleported over his head to give him one final blow, causing a complete knock out. The entire arena was silent afterwards...before cheering the turtles to victory.

"I told you I am a champion" yelled Leo blowing kisses towards the audience. Ralph however didn't feel the happiness like his brothers. Something was missing.


Leo flew right into the nearest wall, shell first.

"What's the big idea raph?!!!!"

"I told you were not done yet...lets get back home." Raph couldn't hide his smirk, as the hit really lift his mood. Leo on the other hand, was not impressed, "How am I supposed to tell Y/N how this happened?" Refering to his face.

"You're the face man...you figure it out."

Blue snortd before teleporting everyone. Green got send to prison on one portal while the other got the turtles back to New York.

During this whole situation I managed to get the place spotless. Hueso was impressed, whistling at his sparkling restaurant "Well done Y/N, you did a splendid job."

"Thank you...this is the last time I do this."

"But why?"

It was obvious why, but didn't want to argue, "If you got other jobs available, this is the right moment to tell me".

He did have a few openings, but didn't want to share any of them, knowing that it means to present me to the customers. With the current situation, he rather refuse to change the job. Giving him my apron, I walked out the back door, only to be stopped by a blue light.



I don't know what just happened, but I felt...flattened...by something massive.

Senior Hueso sighted, looking at three excausted turtles, one on top of the other. Mike, who was above all, raised his hand slowly, ordering in a weak voice, "give us the 911".

The bone man smirked light, "Unfortunately we are closing in five minutes"

Donnie scoffed out, "it says it is open till ten"

"We close early today...hygienic issues"

I understood him, as their arrival has covered the entire room in dirt. Too bad I wasn't quick enough to react. Hueso grabbed my shoulder while pointing at the boys, "I think you missed a spot and ah...could you be a dear and get the trash out?"

"I hate you bone man"

"You get used to it, now chop chop."

Furious I stared at them, "Seriously, what was that for?"

Raph growled out, "It was Leo's fault"

"Leo...blue turtle?"

Mikey nodded, "That's the one."

"Oh boy"

The blue one was already a pain, but to know that there are three more doesn't make it any better. The orange one was whining out that he is hungry, crying while holding his stomach. Red calmly breathed in and out to stop his thoughts to beat up Leo and Donnie got up and stretched, until he pointed out the obvious, "What a mess"

I raised a brow, "You think? I wondered how it happened?"

Narrowing my eyes he knew to shut his mouth before he gets to eat the mop. Mikey remained crying.

"Will you stop whining! My head hurts"

"But...but...Im hungrrrryyyyyy"

Looking around while breathing deeply, this will take another hour to clean. Buuuuuut...it could be quicker, "boys~?"

Donnie backed off already, noticing the change of my voice, "What do you want?"

With a smirk I poked his head, "You guys help me clean this mess and I make you pizza."

To them it sounded like the jackpot. And to my surprise a magic trick on those turtles. Raph instantly grabbed my mob, Mikey got the other supplies and Donnie shoved me out the restaurant with a list of ingredients. As a human I wouldn't have trouble to buy the stuff.

Purple grinned wide before he closed the door, "No pineapples and be back by nine sharp." The three boys were cheering on for there pizza night, forgetting everything in an instant.

While Leo was panicking like crazy, "No, no,no,nooooooo....not again".

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