Chapter 4

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Who forgot to update this story here because she already updated it on tumblr? Me. Embarrassing. But I finally remembered it. So here you go:

Dear Ty,

today was kind of a bummer. First I had physics with an old teacher, who ironically is called Mr. Young. While he is very nice and lovely, he can absolutely not explain. It's like he's super smart, but doesn't understand that we're not, and explains the stuff way too complicated. First I thought I'm just stupid, but then I looked around and the other students looked the same way I did, like they're just listening to him speaking Chinese or something and don't understand Chinese. You would probably understand him though.

Anyway, after physics, I had social studies, which sounds very interesting, but apparently includes economics. It. Is. So. Boring. And the teacher doesn't make it better. He's also very boring. The only thing keeping me from falling asleep was my stomach, which demanded lunch. In retrospect, this is quite a clever placement of the lessons, so the students don't fall asleep.

After lunch we had sport. They call it physical education here. I bet they just wanted it to sound more fancy, but it sounds more like a torturing device. And torture it was. You'd think that after all those training sessions with both Jem and Tessa I'd have a better condition. But no, I still sound like an overweight grandpa with asthma when I run for more than 20 feet. No shaming for the overweight grandpa though, it's just, a Shadowhunter in training should NOT sound like that. That's quite concerning. After sport (I refuse to call it PE) I had a short break and then geography, which surprisingly wasn't that bad. The teacher is a bit boring, but the topic is very interesting. We're talking about volcanoes. After that I finally went home. I'm actually excited about tomorrow though, we have English and History again.

Also I thought about this diary last night and I think that I might give it to you if we ever make up again. No when we make up. Might take a bit longer, but as much as it hurts, being without you hurts more. Also, not wanting to sound too depressing, but as a Shadowhunter you're quite in danger and so am I. I don't want anything to happen to either of us before we made up. No, that sounds weird. I don't want anything to happen to either of us or anyone else ever, but realistically speaking, the possibility of that isn't as low as I would like it to be. And I neither want you to die thinking that I hate you or me dying to leave you alone, thinking the same. At least let us have the chance to be happy. Even if it's just for a short time. So I want to see you again, when we're both ready. And I want you to read this someday. Because I want you to know how I feel about you. And we're both quite bad with spoken words, so I guess, reading this might make it easier for me to express and for you to understand how I feel about you the way I actually mean it. So, if you're reading this right now, a few months, or maybe years in the future, I just want you to know, I love you Tiberius Blackthorn. So much, you won't even able to imagine that. As for now, I hope you're as happy and healthy as you can be in this situation (you know, the Livvy stuff).

I love you so much Ty.

Yours forever and always,


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