Chapter 5

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Dear Ty,

today I actually made friends. Or at least I guess you could call them that.

For English and History, I brought the old books, Tessa allowed me to bring and show them in class. Mrs Addams asked where I got them from and I said my parents inherited them. The others looked through them and also were in awe. Especially Leo was super interested in them and somehow she and Sam managed to make me tell them about the big library in our house. After that I didn't even have to ask for them to come over, they basically invited themselves for Friday. Lol. The classes were just as interesting as on Monday.

But at lunch I sat with Leo and Sam and obviously Leo had to ask about the rune on my hand. Sam was really confused and thought at first she was going crazy, but after Leo described it to him, he could see it too. I guess that's how the sight works. You can't see stuff until you know what you can't see, then you can suddenly see it. Slightly weird. But as I couldn't exactly tell them that I'm not seeing it, I made up some story about an illegal cult from LA that Tessa and Jem rescued me and some other kids from and that's why I have the runes. I felt a bit bad for lying to them, but I don't want to involve them in this mess too. Also, you should have seen their faces. I've never seen something look so shocked before. Lol.

On the way back home I met Hazel again. I thought she would be mad at me for breaking up with her, but plot twist: I apparent made her realise that she's gay and now she's dating her werewolf friend. But she wants us to continue being friends, so we planned on meeting again on the weekend. When I told Tessa that I found some friends, she looked really happy for me. So I guess I went from zero to three friends today. New life achievement unlocked I guess.

Oh no, four friends. Mina also made it very clear that she's my best friend. I don't quite think she understands the difference between friends and siblings, but when she said that, she sounded so cute, that we all had a laugh.

Talking about Mina, I also managed to let her sleep in her room at night again and sleep in my bed myself. I'm trusting Tessa and Jem, that they will protect her just as much, so I don't fear someone would kidnap her in her sleep. So I guess that's good too.

I'm going to bed now, it's already 11 pm and I have to get up early tomorrow. Maybe I will dream about you tonight. I wonder if you're also asleep already. You probably are, it's already 1 am in Romania. I hope you don't have any nightmares.

Good night my love and sleep well,

Always yours,


Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it and for everyone else happy holidays.

What presents did you get and how did you celebrate?

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