Chapter 9

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Dear Ty,

yesterday I met up with Hazel. Since she decided I need more friends, she took me to where the "werewolf-squad", as she called it, was meeting. Apparently I was right with my suspicion. She is in fact a werewolf. There, she introduced me to her friends and her girlfriend Louise. One of them is actually in my German class. Her name is Maria and she's apparently a Shadowhunter too, though she made it very clear that she hates her "ass of a great uncle" aka Valentine Morgenstern. Also, she's from Germany and right now she's here for a student exchange to improve her English. And Louise is also her cousin.

Why do I know that, you might wonder. Well, Louise apparently felt bad, that she "stole" my girlfriend, even though I broke up with her, and thought, she could set me up with her cousin. So she told me all about her. But I quickly told her that my attraction goes elsewhere (to you and you only). And as it turns out, Maria is asexual and has very much no interest in boys.

After talking for a bit, they found out how I discovered that I was a Shadowhunter and that I stayed with your family. Because Louise apparently had a bit of a crush on both Emma and Julian, yep both, she wanted to know all about your siblings. So I told them about Helen and Aline, who lived on exile for years and couldn't meet up with their family, about Mark, who was part of the wild hunt and is now dating the Unseelie King and Cristina of course, about Julian and Emma, the former parabatai who fell in love with eachother and always stuck together, no matter what, about Dru, who loves horror movies and always seems to be forgotten, and about Tavvy, who is the youngest. And yes, I totally tried to avoid you, but the girls really seem better informed than I thought they were and quickly figured out that I might not have the best relationship with you. (By the angel, just writing that hurts.)

But instead of understanding and avoiding the topic though, the three of them really wanted to know everything about you and Livvy. I don't know how they convinced me, but somehow I ended up telling them everything what happened. I left the necromancy part and the First Heir part out obviously. And they concluded that I need to talk to you. No shit. I've come that far too. But there's no occasion, where I would see you and I don't think I'm ready to talk to you yet. So Hazel and Louise decided I should see a therapist. But Shadowhunters don't have therapists, as Maria informed them. The werewolf girls were very distraught by that information, but then suggested that I should see a downworlder therapist instead, since werewolves apparently DO have therapists, and made me promise to make an appointment with one. They gave me the information to some of them and threatened to involve Tessa and Jem if I don't go there. Well, okay then.

After convincing me to go to a therapist, they asked me about Tessa and Jem, so I told them all about them and Mina. Yes I told them all of what I know about their history, which is a lot. As it turns out, Tessa apparently told some author her story, so now there are books about my parents, which mundanes can read, too. Though I hope they think it's all fictional. It's called "The Infernal Devices" by the way. And then I told them about Mina and how cute she is.

Afterwards the girls invited me to a sleepover and told me that Maria will bring her brother, so that I won't be the only boy. So, we went to my house to ask Tessa and meet Mina. I had to promise Tessa that I won't get anyone pregnant, hence my outing I told you about yesterday. But after Maria told her that she will bring her brother, Tessa allowed me to spend the night at Hazel's. The girls played with Mina, while I got my stuff and then we went to get Maria's brother Henry, who looks like he could be Emma and Jules' child.

In Hazel's house we were greeted by her mother who made us some food from her home country. I don't know what it was, but it was very spicy. So spicy, in fact, that the Morgenstern siblings got very teary. But they succeeded in emptying the whole plate and we all laughed at the inability of Germans to eat spicy food. After dinner we set up mattresses in Hazel's room, which is pretty big, and watched a movie. The we went to sleep.

For breakfast, Hazel's dad made us the most stereotypical English breakfast with beans, ham, sausages and more. I was so full afterwards, I felt like I would turn into a ball and had to roll home.

There, I finished my homework and trained a bit with Jem until I sounded like the grandpa with asthma again (remember him?). And Jem suggested that it might be asthma and decided to schedule a doctors appointment for me. Apparently silent brothers aren't big experts on mundane diseases.

Now, I'm pretty tired and almost fell asleep several times while writing this. So I will go to bed now.

I hope you sleep well, too.

Always yours, Kit

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