IX. There's Hope

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Dooshik looked at his phone. His frowned was seen at the message said

Are you really happy with her?

Blocking the phone number, he stand up and went outside his room. His foot bring him to your room. He lifted his hands to knock but he was hesitated.

Should I really do this?

He asked himself and turns back before walked to his room. He had no opinion on her but she the only want to can help him. He grab his shirt and wore them. He wear his watch before leaving the house.

Yoomin who had been sleeping get up, she felt like something just stopped by her room. Yoomin get up and opened the door. Her head peeked out but no one was there. She let out a relief breath before close back the door. Yoomin head to her bed and fall asleep again.

Dooshik parked his car and get out the car. He went inside the fancy restaurant and saw the person who been waiting for him. He walked closer and sat down in front of the girl.

"My darling, I miss you" she said as he grimaced at that. He was disgusted.

"can't you learn that I had no interest in you?"

"Ooohhhhh ....you are lying" she said chuckling and lean forward, acting sexy "you just never get to taste me"

Dooshik lean back like she is contagious "I had no interest in tasting you what so ever"

"rejecting me like usual?" she said as Dooshik clicked his tongue "listen, I am married and you know that"

"that pure little naive girl won't able to contain your inner beast, Dooshik. I am sure she won't be able to catch up" she said smirking making Dooshik face hardened.

"listen old lady, I won't be tempted whatever you offer. As you say just now, I am a beast in nature so don't let my beast shown and punched you in the face right now" he smirked back and lean in "I will even do more than that. Killing you sound satisfying" he get up and walked out, totally done.

<Next Month>

Yoomin lay down on the couch as usual. She hadn't done anything in the past month. With Mincheol doesn't show up in class. She had nothing to do anymore. She can heard footsteps come from upstairs. Doesn't even bother to turn, she stay in the place. Her foot hanging out with its bouncing.

"can you sit properly?"

"nope" she replied making he groaned and went to the kitchen. Their relationship still the same. Sometimes they fought and at times they work well together.

They still doesn't get chance to act in front of their parents cause they been busy and had no time to visit them yet.

However, today is the day. Her parents invited them to stay at their house for a week which they agreed. "Have you done packing?" she asked as he ignored the question.

"I'm done packing" she told him and he put back the juice inside the fridge "good" he reply shortly and went back to his room.

Yoomin Pov

One day, I will go to his room and see what inside. It's so weird how he always stay in his room with no noises or anything. He doesn't even come out sometimes. He only come down because of lunch, breakfast and dinner but that's all.

I get up and checked my phone. Suha texted me

'You are going home today?'

'yeah, why?'

'nothing. Hope your acts with him went well' she wrote making me chuckled

'no worries'

I close my phone to went upstairs. I knocked on his door and said

He Is My Husband 그 사람 나 남편이다 ||  Kang Dooshik X Female CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now