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I watched as people start to clean up their stuff to bring back home. Suha already lay down on the ground feeling tired even though she doesn't do anything yet.

I am sure that is her excuse. I couldn't helped but snickered at it. Since Suha decided to lazy around, I was the one who cleaned up our tent spot before we head home.

My relationship with Dooshik doesn't changes much ever since we confess to each other since there's many people around us all day. Junghyun really keep his words to keep it a secret and we did talk a lot afterwards.

Me and Junghyun become friends and apparently we shares some interest together. Suha also seem to like having him around too.

"is that everything?" Junghyun asked looking around us. I replied his question with a nod while Suha immediately stand up at the sound of his voice.

"do you want to help?" Suha tease as Junghyun rolled his eyes playfully. "not really. I just want to check on Yoomin because you are bullying her" Suha smacked his arm "no I am not!" She protested.

Junghyun and me laughed at that, finding it funny. Junghyun did help me clean after his teasing of Suha.

"Suha, you should come with me and helped the rest over there" Junghyun grabbed Suha arm and dragged her before she even complained about it.

I was alone by the time they leave. I snorted feeling lonely at the sudden silence.

"Should I helped you?" Dooshik who suddenly stand next to me asked.

I glanced up at him due to the height different and looked away feeling shy.

"it's okay. I can do it myself" I said bending to pick up my water bottle on the ground. Dooshik let out a sighed and grabbed the trash bag in my hand before crouching down to pick up the rest of the trash.

"...I told you that I can do it myself..." I whined feeling embarrassed. Dooshik chuckled before replying "can type of husband I am if I just let you do everything by yourself" he said with his head tilt up since I am the only one who was standing.

He turn back his attention to continue picking up the rest of the trash while I stand awkwardly next to him. My eyes couldn't helped but looking around feeling wary of the others presence.

I am worried that we got caught or something. My eyes then meet with Junghyun who was winking with small smirk on his face.

He was grabbing Suha forearm so she won't run away. This is all his plan for sure. He was the one who make me alone with Dooshik right now.

Junghyun then turned around so he continue talking to the rest of our classmates.

"...." silence again. None of us start the conversation first. Dooshik looked at me before he grabbed my left hand and plant a kiss on it.

"let's go and visit your parents after this trip" he suggested. I nodded feeling content and I do miss my parents after a while not able to visits due to many things happen in my life recently.

<time skip>

I waited for Dooshik at the parking lot but he is taking too long. I lean my back on his car while scrolling my media social when someone suddenly grab me.

My eyes shoot up looking at the man who was wearing mask that cover almost his whole face. 

He covered my face with a handkerchief and I accidentally inhale whatever powder on it which make me dizzy and soon enough, I lost my consciousness.


Third Person Pov

The woman standing in front of the fainted girl laughed like a maniac. her eyes scanning the girl whole body with her eyes and she couldn't helped but think of various ways to torture her.

"now what's the plan?" Mincheol asked Soo Aee who been watching Yoomin for awhile now.

"take her picture and send them to Dooshik. I want him to come here and save her"

"for what?"

"I will make sure he regret coming here"

Mincheol looked at So Aee like she is sick person. he doesn't even understand why she is so obsess with Dooshik.

Mincheol did as she asked and send it to Dooshik anonymously. After he did that, Soo Are leave the room leaving him to take care of fainted Yoomin.

"This is all your fault" he blamed her for his ruined reputation.

After what happen between them, people starts to make many rumour about him and they choose to support Yoomin instead of him. That's all also happen thanks to Junghyun who always debate with him about what Yoomin actually doing.

Junghyun always had Yoomin support which he is annoyed about. He doesn't even know her properly and he always make stinky eyes at him whenever he was about to make false news about her.

Junghyun is their senior and also kind of popular at University for his achievement so many people believe him. He was nothing compared to him.

Mincheol punched the wall next to him before sit down on the nearest chair. "I had no intention to kidnapped you but since she want to help me revenge, I just do it" he talk to her even though she doesn't listen because she is fainted.

Other man walked in looking at Mincheol "she doesn't wake up yet?" He asked and Mincheol nodded as answer.

"If she wake up, don't forget to tell all of us"

"okay, okay" Mincheol answer with a small sighs. Compared to him who was no one, he had no intention to reply to him.

He just someone Soo Are hired to help with their plans. After that guy leave, Mincheol sit back down before puff out the smoke come from his cigarette.

His phone beep. He looked at it and smirked when he received a reply from Dooshik.

Who are you and what's do you want?! Where is she?!

"Don't be so frantic, Prof" he muttered laughing to himself, glancing at Yoomin.

"He really does love you, huh" he snickered and walked out to tell the rest of them about his reply.

Soo Aee who was informed about his reply smirked. "Step one is done. To the next step" she said walking away.

Dooshik who was walking back and forth like crazy person punched the wall. Haneul put his hand on his shoulder "calm down, Dooshik. We will able to trace the kidnapper location by his message soon" he try to calm him down but failed as all he received is threatening glared from Dooshik.

"I will never forgive myself if she is hurt" he mumbled, leaning his forehead against the wall. He closed his eyes and try to calm himself hut failed. His heart beating so fast due to the worries. All he wants is her by his side right now.

"She is fine. Yoomin is strong"

Dooshik clenched his hands into fist as  he couldn't helped but think of the worst.

"I got the reply" Haneul said as his phone rang. His friend who was in police force send them the address from what they able to trace and Dooshik immediately rushed to the door.

He get inside his car and drove to wherever the address lead him while leaving Haneul behind.

Haneul doesn't even get to get in since Dooshik was in hurry. Dooshik leave Haneul behind and headed to the address.

The only thing in his head, he is praying for her well being.

She have to be fine.....

-to be continue-

My hand aching.... I want to wrote new story about painter of the night so badly. I been watching the story and kind of into seung ho and nakyum....

I will wrote the book since this book is nearing to the end soon. Check it out maybe ㅋㅋ

He Is My Husband 그 사람 나 남편이다 ||  Kang Dooshik X Female CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now