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"dad! look at Nana!"

a boy shouted as he ran away from a big blanket monster while giggling.

"I will chase you!" the girl under the blanket said, chasing after her older brother.

they are just 4 years apart so they really close to each other. they went downstairs still giggling when someone clear throat.

they stopped and grin sheepishly at the man in front of them who wear a white dress shirt, sleeve rolled up showing his muscle arms.

"dad!!" the boy shouted before hugging the man legs while Nana pouted "I want Dad too!" she whined before tugging the other leg. Dooshik looked down on his two children tenderly

"did you two have fun?" he asked, ruffling the brother, black short hair.

"I have fun! Nana chase me all around the house so it's so funny" the boy said when Dooshik lifted his daughter with one arm

"that's good" he planted a kiss on the girl cheek making the boy under him, groaned

"that's unfair! I want a kiss too!"

Dooshik laughed, ruffling his hair instead "you are a boy. what kind of boy like to be kiss by their dad?"

"I don't care! I love you so I want a kiss from you!" Dooshik bend down before planted a kiss on the boy hair "done" he mumbled against it, standing back.

"wow....you two get a kiss and I don't?"

someone said coming down with a grin display on her face. Dooshik look up at her with smile too "you don't greet me home"

"yeah that's true! me and Nana greet dad home!"

"yeah sure" Yoomin pouted, arms crossed. "before he is you two father, he is my husband" Yoomin stick he tongue out at her own kids.

"mom is so childish! that's doesn't count because we aren't exist yet" Nana said looking at her brother

"okay, okay I get that" Yoomin bend down and kiss her son forehead "I love you two too, you know" Hyunie smiles feeling delight "I love you too Mom"

"I want mom love too!" Nana said, arms out wanting to be in her mother embracement.

Yoomin take her away from Dooshik before planting a kiss on her daughter "I love you both so so much"

"now I am jealous" Dooshik went behind his wife, hugging her from behind "I love you too" he whispers, planting a kiss on Yoomin's neck.

Yoomin beamed, returning the kiss on her husband lips "I love you too"

the kids acted like they want to throw up before start playing by themselves again. Dooshik arms doesn't leave his wife waist even when they are watching their kids playing.

"I am so lucky" Dooshik suddenly said beside her ear


"I have a beautiful wife and two really annoyingly cute kids"

Yoomin playfully punched his stomach "what do you say?! annoying kids?!"

"I mean, they always so noisy. you know how I hates noise but don't worry" Dooshik kissed her lips "I love them" Dooshik say with soft smile on his face "I hope I am a good father"

"you are great father, Dooshik. there's no one can beat you in it" Yoomin cupped his face "that's why I love you" Dooshik smiles cupping her face back "and I love you because you are wonderful"

Dooshik caress her cheek "you really teach me so many things. I get to know how love felt after so many years I live without them" Dooshik lean his forehead against Yoomin's.

"my mom will love our kids as much your parents loves them"

"I am sure of that too. they are adorable"

"I am glad...both of our kids got your personality rather than mine"

"what? with your personality, they will be the most popular kids at school"

"I am not sure they will enjoy that kind of life" Dooshik said glancing at his kids "they will get bored of it soon enough"

"I don't know. I am not really ever experience it yet" Yoomin sighed "but I am glad that they take after you on looks" Dooshik snorted "trust me. they take after you too"

"what part?"

"Hyunie's take after your nose and eyes while Nana take after your pale skin"

"I am glad then too" Yoomin sank deeper into her husband arms "I am really happy. I never thought marriage can be this wonderful"

"it's had their owns ups and downs" Dooshik said gazing down at his wife "just like us. from paper marriage to real marriage"

"yeah... I agree...."

"love you"

"me too. I love you too" Dooshik reply before Yoomin again.


this is just an extra chapter.

He Is My Husband 그 사람 나 남편이다 ||  Kang Dooshik X Female CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now