XIX. Upset

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Yoomin Pov

I rubbed my eyes before slowly sit up.

My head still slightly throbbing but I hold back. I can't keep sleeping and not doing anything. I was about to get up and at least turn on my room lights on when someone grabbed my wrist

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted in surprised cause I can't see anything at the moment because its night and my room lights are off.

"Where are you going?" familiar voice asked. I chuckled knowing who it is.

"I just want to turn on the lights"

"Sit back down. I will turn them on" he said and I can heard chair noise. Not long after that, the lights flickered and shine the room.

I looked at the guy who turn on the lights "did you just come back or what? From work?" I asked noticing what is he wearing. Dooshik looked down on himself and shake his head

"I take a leave today"

My eyebrows furrowed at what he said.

"what? Are you okay? Did you get sick?" Dooshik looked at me and shake his head

"no. It's you who get sick"

"....did you take a leave for me?" he hesitated to answer but then he nodded his head

"you don't have to do that. What will everyone said if they noticed we keep taking a leave together" I sat back down, sighs escaped from my lips.

"so you want me to just leave you be? Will you are sick?"

"....its not like I am dying. I can take care of myself"

"do you really have to act like this?" I turned to face him and my expression dropped

"what do you mean? I just feeling you that we couldn't afford someone figuring about what we are" Dooshik come closer to me and held back my eyes. His expression are stoic and he seems to get annoyed.

"I'm doing this for you. Not for myself. Do you think you should scold me for this? What if your parents know that I leave you here alone and went to work? Don't you think they will despise me for that"

"I'm tired you know! You just like them! You thought me so weak right!" I don't even know why I am yelling right now. My emotions overwhelm me for some reason.

".....don't expect me to care for you anymore" he leave the room.

You are nothing if it's weren't for his father

I grabbed my hair and pulled it out of frustration. What his stepmother said actually hit me deeper than I expected.

W-what will happen when we finally get divorce? Will....my family will be supported? Even more that....Dooshik actually broke his relation with his dad now.

What if.....Dooshik decides to not support my family anymore?..... Tears slowly escaped my eyes. I am.....scared, you know....... Everything that my father work hard for will flopped down and I can't do anything.....

I lay down on the bed before closed my eyes. This is all happen because of me......

<Next Morning>

I woken up and already cooked the breakfast. I take a deep breath and went to his room. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answered. Not long after that, he opened the door.

He looked down on me with the same expression that he had on when we first meet. He seem detached from everything.

"D-dooshik.....lets go and eat" he crossed his arms and closed the door right in front of my face. My hand clenched at my side. I was on the edge of breaking apart.

"Dooshik....I'm sorry" I knocked on his door again. But he doesn't answered. I tried again one more time before went back downstairs. I skipped breakfast and went to the lecture by myself.

Everything seem empty. Even back then, we at least spoke even for a few words but this time.... We are not talking at all. It's felt weird. I hate this but this is my fault. If I was in his shoes, I think I will do the same. He stayed up all night to take of care but what did I do?

I scolded him for it and doesn't even thanked him.

"why are you looking so sad today?" Suha asked, sitting down next to me. I looked at her, trying to hold back my emotions "I did something horrible yesterday....."

Suha hugged me without another words and stroke my long hair. "Let's slowly talk about it, okay?" I nodded and closes my eyes.

"I was sick yesterday and....he take care of me but.....my emotions not stable at the moment.... I actually scolded him for that" Suha hold my shoulder and looked into my eyes "then?"

"he.....looked upset about it. I mean... I'm not blaming him cause I was so rude about it" Suha caressed my cheeks

"then earlier in the morning, he doesn't even talked to me anymore. He doesn't even come downstairs" Suha think for a bit "did you apologize yet?" I nodded my head "I did but....he doesn't seem to care" Suha let out a sighed "what's to do anymore?"

"what's happen?" Mincheol asked, suddenly appeared as usual. I shook my head and straighten myself. He couldn't know about what happened, no matter what.

"Nothing" Suha answered and he let the topic go. After that, day went as usual except for the fact that not even once Dooshik looked at me. We acted like we really never know each other.

I walked back to my car to went home cause it's already evening. Suddenly, I saw Mincheol approaching me with big grin like he always did.

"Yoomin! Are you going home?" he asked and I nodded "yeah I am. Why?" he put his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it

"let's go check out this one karaoke nearby. This time is my treat. I had something to tell you" Mincheol said and I smiled at it "sure" he get in my car and I drove to where is he talking about.

When we walked in the karaoke, I can see how many people are there. Mincheol paid for private karaoke booth and we get inside. As soon we get inside, Mincheol grabbed microphone and started choosing song to sang.

I sat down and just relax knowing damn well that I don't want to embarrass myself in front of my crush. After constantly singing, Mincheol sat down. He sat next to me.

"I forget to ask you this but you don't have boyfriend right?" my breath hitched at the question. What is he asking this?

"I don't have boyfriend" I am not lying.

"really? That's great" he chuckled and leaned back on the couch. "I don't have girlfriend either"

"why don't you?"

"I like someone but I am not sure if she did as well" Mincheol looked at me and leaned in "but I wanna know" he said making my heartbeat beating so fast.

"Do you like me?" his eyes are staring on my lips. I gulped down and grab the couch


"you did right? I noticed all the time you staring at me" he chuckled and lean even closer

"since we both singles. We should totally hit this things off" he wrapped his arm around my waist. Isn't this what I always want?......but why.....my heart hurts?

My whole body rejecting him. It's almost like.....they don't want him.

Mincheol landed his lips on mine and I can taste slight cigarettes taste on his lips. He slowly turn the kiss into passionate one which I followed along but my heart aching. I don't want this......not from him.....


That's what all I think off. Am I....in love with him?

-to be continue-

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